NLU Inbox

The NLU关闭 该流程扩展了自然语言处理 (NLP),以根据它所理解的内容做出决定或采取行动。 inbox helps you manage your NLU data to improve the quality of your bot. It shows all new messages from customers in a single view, allowing you to make fast and precise improvements based on trends you notice in conversations.

  1. CXone 中单击应用程序选择器 并选择机器人生成器.

  2. Click the bot you want to work with.
  3. Click NLU icon, which looks like a gear inside a head silhouette. in the left icon menu.
  4. On the Intents tab, click Inbox. A number indicator will show how many new messages there are.
  5. By default, the inbox displays all new messages. You can search messages, too. You can perform basic searches using natural language or you can write queries in a query language for more detailed results.
    • After typing your query, click Manage SearchMagnifying Glass icon representing 'manage search' and enter a name for the search to save it for future use.

For each message, you can take the following actions to make improvements to your bot: