Import and Export

机器人生成器 allows you to import or export certain data about your bot.

Use cases for import functionality:

Use cases for export functionality:

  • Duplicate or backup the bot in the same account
  • Copy the bot into a different account
  • Export past conversations to run analytics in a third-party tool

Import and export functionality is located in Preferences icon, which looks like a gear. and can be used with training data, conversations, or full bot configuration.

Training Data

Import Export File Types
green check mark, indicating 'yes' green check mark, indicating 'yes' XSLX
  1. CXone 中单击应用程序选择器 并选择机器人生成器.

  2. Click the bot you want to work with.
  3. Click Preferences icon, which looks like a gear. in the left icon menu.
  4. On the Import & Export tab, click Training Data.
  5. To import:
    1. Click Browse Files, then locate the file you need.
    2. Click Import.
    3. In the History section, you can view logs detailing each past import.
  6. To export, click Export to .XSLX.


Import Export File Types
red x, indicating 'no' green check mark, indicating 'yes'


You can export conversation data in JSON through a REST API. This allows you to put your past conversations through analytics or other third-party processes, then return and make improvements to your bot.

  1. CXone 中单击应用程序选择器 并选择机器人生成器.

  2. Click the bot you want to work with.
  3. Click Preferences icon, which looks like a gear. in the left icon menu.
  4. On the Import & Export tab, click Conversations.
  5. In a separate browser tab, open the Get Conversations API documentation. This is where you can get an example API request to modify for your own use.

  6. Select the language you're writing in from the Language drop-down.

  7. Click Copy The Copy icon as it's displayed in the 机器人生成器 API documentation. in the Example Request window.

  8. Paste the example request into your code.

  9. Go back to the 机器人生成器 tab and copy the Token.

  10. Paste the token into your code to replace "YOUR TOKEN HERE" in the example request.

Bot Configuration

Import Export File Types

green check mark, indicating 'yes'

green check mark, indicating 'yes' YAML

Importing a bot can help with bot duplication or migrating to a different account or tenant. Exporting a bot allows it to be used as a backup. If using as a backup, you should export on a regular basis to keep it up-to-date.

You can import a bot from the same page where you create a new bot.

To export your bot:

  1. CXone 中单击应用程序选择器 并选择机器人生成器.

  2. Click the bot you want to work with.
  3. Click Preferences icon, which looks like a gear. in the left icon menu.
  4. On the Import & Export tab, click Bot Configuration.
  5. Click Export to .yaml.