Agent Augmentation

El contenido de esta página es para un producto o función en versión controlada (CR). Si no forma parte del grupo CR y desea obtener más información, comuníquese con suRepresentante de cuenta CXone.

Agent Augmentation is a way for your botCerrado Una aplicación de software que maneja las interacciones del cliente en lugar de un agente humano en vivo. to become like a personal assistant for your agents. When enabled, your bot continues to listen to a conversation after a handoverCerrado Cualquier mensaje de contacto que deba activar la transferencia a un agente en vivo to offer real-time intent classification and response suggestions to your agents. These responses are based on storiesCerrado Se utiliza para entrenar al bot para el manejo de interacciones según la intención y el contexto, rulesCerrado Se usa para definir la respuesta del bot a los mensajes que no cambian con el contexto., and intentsCerrado El significado o propósito detrás de lo que dice/escribe un contacto; lo que el contacto quiere comunicar o lograr that you already have set up for your bot.

When your agent is presented with response suggestions, they have the opportunity to confirm the intent classification. This helps your bot improve in the same way that reviewing conversations and messages in the NLU inbox does.

If your bot is configured with the CXone Expert API integration, Agent Augmentation can also offer resources such as FAQs or knowledge base articles that address the contact's concern and help improve the quality of the interaction.

Configure Agent Augmentation

  1. En CXone, haga clic en el selector de aplicaciones y seleccioneCreador de bots.

  2. Click the bot you want to work with.
  3. Click Preferences icon, which looks like a gear. in the left icon menu.
  4. Click Agent Augmentation.

  5. Copy the URL.

  6. Go back to the Digital Experience portal and click Settings > Custom Components. If you don't see this menu option, contact your Representante de cuenta CXone.

  7. Click Add frontend custom component.

  8. Paste the URL you copied in a previous step into the Url field.

  9. Type %s at the end of the URL.

  10. Enter the Height you want the Agent Augmentation window to be in pixels. The recommended height is 300.

  11. Select any number of Channels the Agent Augmentation should work with. If no channel is selected, Agent Augmentation will display to agents on all channels.

  12. Click Save.