Configure Behavior Guidance
Real-Time Interaction Guidance scores the agent based on certain soft-skill behaviors, such as empathy, rapport, or interrupting the contact. RTIG can measure two types of behaviors, customer satisfaction and sales effectiveness. For customer satisfaction, you can choose from 11 behaviors. For sales effectiveness, you can choose up to eight behaviors. You determine which behaviors you want to monitor and what the alerts are. Each RTIG profile supports only one type of behavior guidance.
Customer satisfaction and sales effectiveness are separately-licensed behavior models.
Complete each of these tasks in the order given.
Enable Guidance Alerts
Required permissions:
By default, all behaviors are turned off for a new RTIG profile. Agents only see gauges for behaviors that you enable. The feedback they see is based on the default settings for each behavior unless you customize the feedback. You may want to change configurations from time to time as your organization's needs change.
If you haven't created an RTIG profile, do so now.
- In CXone Mpower, click the app selector
and select Other > Automation & AI, then click Agent Assist Hub.
- Select the Real-Time Interaction Guidance profile that you want to modify in the left column.
Click the Guidance Alerts tab.
- Select Customer Satisfaction or Sales Effectiveness to choose the set of behaviors this profile uses.
In the Message Alert Settings section, configure how often you want Real-Time Interaction Guidance to show alerts to agents.
Enable any behaviors in the Guidance Configuration section that you want for this profile. Disable any behaviors you don't want the profile to have.
- For each behavior, you can customize the performance scale and alert messages. You can accept the default settings for any or all of the behaviors that you enable.
- Click Reset to Default for a behavior if you want to remove all customization from the performance scale and alerts for that behavior. RTIG does not ask for confirmation before resetting the behavior, so only click this option if you're sure you want to remove your customizations.
- Click Save.
Customize the Performance Scale for a Guidance Behavior
Required permissions:
The performance scale lets you change the score ranges for what's acceptable and unacceptable for each behavior. These ranges correspond to the color of the gauges that agents see in the agent application. The scale ranges from 0 to 100, and you can adjust the scores that fall into each of three ranges:
- Successful: The right-hand side of the sliding scale (in green). Contains the highest scores. By default this category goes from 67 - 100.
- Neutral: The center portion of the sliding scale between the two sliders (in yellow). By default this category goes from 33 - 66.
- Could use some work: The left-hand portion of the sliding scale (in red). Contains the lowest scores. By default this category goes from 0 - 32.
You can customize the scale for one, some, or all of the behaviors you measure with Real-Time Interaction Guidance. If you don't customize the scale for a behavior, Real-Time Interaction Guidance uses the default scale.
- In CXone Mpower, click the app selector
and select Other > Automation & AI, then click Agent Assist Hub.
- Select the Real-Time Interaction Guidance profile that you want to modify in the left column.
- On the Guidance Alerts tab, click the switch
to enable the behavior you want to customize, if it's not already enabled.
Click the drop-down arrows
to expand the configuration section for the behavior, if it isn't already expanded.
Move the sliders
on the numbered bar to define the score limits for each range of performance scores.
Click Save.
Configure Alerts Messages for a Guidance Behavior
Required permissions:
Alerts are the messages that appear in the Real-Time Interaction Guidance panel in the agent application based on the agent's current score for a behavior. Each behavior has a default alert, which you can modify. You can create other alerts if you want to make different suggestions to agents at different score levels.
You can customize alerts for one, some, or all of the behaviors you measure with Real-Time Interaction Guidance.
- In CXone Mpower, click the app selector
and select Other > Automation & AI, then click Agent Assist Hub.
- Select the Real-Time Interaction Guidance profile that you want to modify in the left column.
- On the Guidance Alerts tab, click the switch
to enable the behavior you want to configure alerts for, if it's not already enabled.
Click the drop-down arrows
to expand the configuration section for the behavior, if it isn't already expanded.
To create a new alert message, click +Alert. New alerts are enabled by default. To disable it, click the switch
for the new alert.
Use the drop-downs and score slider bar to set the parameters for when RTIG shows this alert to agents. For example, "Send alerts to agent when it's Less Than a score of 50 for 10 seconds."
- In the Message field, enter the alert text as you want it to appear to the agent. Sample text is provided for you.
- Apply formatting to Message text by selecting one or more words, then clicking B, I, or U options to bold, italicize, or underline the selected text.
- Click delete
to remove an alert.
- Click Save when you are finished customizing alerts for the selected behavior.