
This help page is for Studio. This information is also available for Desktop Studio.

Submits a SQL (Structured Query Language) statement to a database server and returns a multi-row result. This action returns a time/date based on the location of the back-end server associated with your account (rather than UTC time zone). You can convert this time/date to another time zone using a Snippet action.



  • Use the SETDB action to choose the DB Connector group you want to make queries in. Without Setdb the default CXone Mpower database is used. This database is a generic dictionary of tables provided to all customers.

  • This action returns all rows as an array.
  • Use Sqltable for the same purpose as action when multiple rows are expected. Like the Sqlselect action, column values are stored in variables with the same names as the column names. In this action, however, more than one record may be stored in each column variable. Each record is separated by the character defined in the RowSeparator property. If the default pipe symbol (|) is used, each column can be referenced as an array.
  • SQL databases do not guarantee any kind of ordering when you do not explicitly sort the data.
  • Be careful not to select a large amount of data. This will ultimately cause the script to fail. If sequential access to a large table is required, see the Sqlcursor action.

Supported Script Types

A square with a line branching from it that goes to three other squares.


Email Chat Phone Voicemail Work Item SMS




Add Caption

Enter a short phrase that uniquely identifies this action in the script. The caption appears on the script canvas under the action icon.

SQL Query

The SQL statement that will be submitted to the database server. This statement should return records.

Row Separator

The delimiter character used to separate individual records.

Field Count Variable

The name of the variable that will return the number of fields returned by the SQL query.

Row Count Variable

The name of the variable that will return the number of rows returned by the SQL query. The Row Count Var that is created is very helpful with a Loop action to determine the number of times you want to repeat a sequence.

Global Variables

Not used.
Publish Publishes a variable and value, with everything in the database associated with a contact. If you want to publish specific data, use the Assign action.

Max Rows

The maximum number of rows to retrieve. The default is 100.

Timeout Sec

The number of seconds until the query times out. The default is 10. The maximum number of seconds supported is 30 (though larger numbers can actually be entered in the field).





Path taken unless the script meets a condition that requires it to take one of the other branches. It is also taken if the action's other branches are not defined.
NoRecords Path taken if there are no values for the specified properties. This happens when data is not returned from the database.
Error Path taken when the action fails to execute properly. For example, when there is an unexpected problem such as poor connectivity, syntax errors, and so on. The _ERR variable, with a single underscore character, should be populated with a condensed explanation of the problem. This happens when the SQL query is invalid.
Timeout Path taken if there is no response for the number of seconds specified.