Integrate HubSpot with CXone Agent

This page explains how to integrate HubSpot into CXone Agent. This allows agents to see records from HubSpot in the customer card.


Before you begin:

  • Make sure Agent Integrations is enabled for your tenant. Your CXone Account Representative can help with this.

  • Create a user account in your CRM specifically for CXone configuration. This is the System User. It is recommended to give the System User administrator privileges. If you do not want to give the System User administrator privileges, you must give it all the permissions your CXone Agent users have.

    If the CRM user account that created the CRM configuration is deleted or disabled, the CRM configuration will also be deleted. Prevent this by creating a System User.

  • Enable the Customer Card employee profile attribute in AdminEmployees. This enables the agent to see the customer card.

  • Enable the Agent Integrations employee profile attribute in Admin > Employees. This enables the agent to see CRM records in the customer card.

Create a CRM Configuration in CXone

Required permissions: Configurations Create

  1. In CXone, click the app selector and select Agent Integrations.
  2. Click New CRM Configuration.
  3. Select HubSpot from the Integration Type drop-down.
  4. Enter a name for the integration in Configuration Name. You can write a Description.
  5. Click Authenticate.
  6. In the Authentication pop-up window, select one of the authenticated accounts listed, if you have them.
  7. If you need to create a new authentication, click New authentication.
    1. To change the name of the authentication, edit Your authentication name.
    2. To enable yourself to manage the settings for this integration inside HubSpot, enter your Developer API key. To find it, open your HubSpot developer account and navigate to the Applications dashboard. Click Get HubSpot API key at the top. In the pop-up window that appears, click Show key.
    3. Enter your Private app access token. To find it, open HubSpot and navigate to the private app you created for CXone Agent. On the details page of that app, click Show token.
    4. Click Create. If a window from HubSpot appears asking to allow NICE to connect to your HubSpot account, click Allow.
  8. Click Next.
  9. In the external_screenpop_domain_hs field, enter your HubSpot subdomain. To find it, your instance of HubSpot and copy and paste the URL from the address bar in your browser. You only need the URL up until .com. For example:
  10. In the account_id field, enter your Hub ID. It must be the Hub ID for an administrator account.
  11. Click Finish. A message telling you the authentication is active appears in the bottom right corner of CXone.

Set Up Data Memorialization

To map data fields between HubSpot and CXone Agent, set up data memorialization. This ensures that when a field is changed in one application, it is updated in the other.