View and Play Interactions

Recordings of interactions can include voice or digitalClosed Any non-voice channel such as chat, email, SMS, work item, and messaging channels channels, and screen recordings.

To play a recording or view a digital interaction, double-click a segmentClosed An interaction between two parties, such as a customer and an agent. Each segment represents a stage in the interaction, such as when a call is transferred to another agent, or agents speak internally to consult. in the search results table or click its Play icon Screenshot of the play contact icon.

The Player opens in a separate window.

The new Player opens by default.

This topic describes how to use the new Player. If you prefer to use the classic Player, switch the toggle at the top right of the Player. You can switch between players at any time.

The main interaction information is displayed in the Player header, providing a cohesive overview at a glance. The Interaction Details tab provides additional information.

Play Recordings

Use the Timeline view to navigate and track the recording. During playback, you can view:

Use the Player control icons at the bottom of the Player to:

  • Adjust the playback to focus on parts of the interaction.

    For example, play part of the recorded segment in a loop to confirm what was in the call or screen recording. Click Loop Screenshot of the loop button once to mark the beginning of the loop and a second time to mark the end of the loop. Then click Play. Click Loop Screenshot of the loop button a third time to clear it.

  • Skip silent parts of the recording by clicking .

  • Skip forward or back in the recording.

  • Adjust playback speed using .

  • Adjust volume levels of participants in the call.

  • Add an annotation to an interaction.

    Click Add annotation Screenshot of the add annotation button. You can create public or private annotations. You can also view public annotations added by other users. Permissions are required to use annotations.

View additional information in the audio panel during playback of a voice recording.

  • Events that occur during the voice recording, such as:

    • When recording is temporarily stopped because a customer gives credit card information.

    • When a category is identified and whether it is considered High Confidence (High Confidence is defined as 75%).

    • Segment sentiment (positive Screenshot of the positive sentiment icon, negative Screenshot of the negative sentiment icon, mixed Screenshot of the mixed sentiment icon, neutral Screenshot of the neutral sentiment icon).

      Permissions are required to view categories and sentiments.

  • If there are multiple events in a short period of time, you can hover over Event Screenshot of the event icon to view the details.

  • To hide the audio panel, switch off the toggle in the ActionsScreenshot of the action button menu.

When a call includes more than one agent, the screen recording displays the leading agent's screen. When the agent has more than one screen, the screen recording can include several screens.

  • Use the arrows to flip through the screens.

  • In the bar above the main screen, select a specific screen or click View All to see all the agent's screens together.

View Digital Interactions

  • When a digitalClosed Any non-voice channel such as chat, email, SMS, work item, and messaging channels interaction includes screen recording, you can view both the screen recording and transcript or just the screen recording. Select the required option in the ActionsScreenshot of the action button menu.

  • For email interactions, click Timeline Screenshot of the journey button to view the events.

  • An agent can handle several digital customer interactions in parallel. In these cases, the screen recording can capture other interactions as the agent moves between interactions. During playback of these screen recordings, the Player displays a focus indicator under the timeline. This indicator marks the parts in pink when the agent was handling the selected interaction.

Download Recording Files

You can download recording files. Select a download option in the Actions Screenshot of the action button menu:

  • To download voice and screen recording, select Voice & screen.

  • To download only voice, select Voice only.

  • To download the screen recording from a digital interaction, select Screen only.

The filename is formatted as CXone recording_{agent name}_{call start time}[UTC]_{id}.mp4. Note that the date in the filename is in UTC, unlike the Player, which is displayed in your local time zone. The maximum length of the file name is 200 characters, so, occasionally, agent names might be truncated.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Player

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts when playing a recording.

action shortcut
Play and pause Space bar
Change to full screen F
Mute and unmute M
Forward Right arrow
Back Left arrow

Elevated Interactions

In an elevated contact, the interaction is switched from one channel to another in order to serve the customer's need. You can view all the segments and play back the entire contact in one player window. This lets you see the interaction journey and switch between different segments of the interaction.

You can also switch between viewing both the screen recording and transcript, or just the screen recording. In the Player, select the required option in the ActionsScreenshot of the action button menu

When playback of one segment is completed, you need to manually switch to another segment to play back the recording.