Metric Widgets

Metric widgets provide you with fast insights into key performance indicators (KPIsClosed An established metric used to measure agent performance) and metrics. The widgets use charts, graphs, and tables to depict data. This makes it simpler to grasp trends, patterns, and shifts. You can use the different metric widgets on your dashboard to visualize and interpret data in real-time. This helps you make informed decisions to improve efficiency, customer satisfaction, and performance.

You can drag and drop the widgets or double-click the widget to add them to your dashboard. You can also use the settings to add your filters to see the data.

Metric and Filter Selection

Keep the following points in mind when selecting the metrics and filters available in the metric settings.

Near Real-time Metrics

Whenever you select near real-time metrics in the Metrics widget, they will always display the current value, irrespective of the duration or interval you apply in the widget settings.

Data Filters

The metric widgets allow you to apply different dimensions, such as Team or Skill and attributes like Media Type and Direction as data filters. With the Metrics Summary and Metrics Interval widget, you can set them to display data based on a specific dimension or attribute. However, not every dimension and attribute is applicable to every metric. The available dimensions and attributes will differ depending on the particular metric you select.

To determine which dimensions and attributes are applicable for each metric, refer to the Metrics List. Additionally, when selecting a metric, you can hover over it to view the relevant dimensions and attributes that can be applied as filters.

Keep in mind:

  • When you set a certain dimension or attribute as a filter in View By of Metrics widgets' settings, only metrics that apply with that selection will be available in the metric selector, the others will be grayed out.

  • If you apply metric widgets with filters or a View By value that isn’t applicable to the already selected metrics, the value of those metrics will display as 0 in the widget.

Visualizing Objectives

This feature is only available for organizations with the CXone PM license. The CXone Performance Management Next Generation is currently in controlled release.

The visualization of objectives feature is only available in the metric widgets. You can set objectives for various metrics via Performance Management (New) > Objectives.

If your objectives match the filters you select in the widget settings, the widget will display color-coded columns. These colors indicate the different performance levels of your objectives for the selected metrics. Even though you set objectives separately, they will automatically display in the widgets once created.

This feature applies to Metrics Summary, Metrics Interval, KPI widgets. It will also apply to the Gauge, Metrics Review, and Leaderboard widgets, provided you have aCXone PM license.

Here’s how it works for each widget:

  • Metrics Summary, Metrics Review and Metrics Interval: Objectives are applied to the Tabular view. The table cells are color-coded based on the set objective for the metric.

  • Gauge: The gauge will be filled with color according to the objective. If no objective is set, the gauge remains uncolored.

  • Leaderboard: The cell color will indicate the objective.

  • KPI: The metric number will have a colored background to represent the objective.

  • KPI Trend: shows a colorful line and the colors represent specific objective ranges. Hovering over the line provides more details. If no objective is set only the trend line is visible

This feature enhances data visualization, making it easier to understand whether the objectives are being achieved


The gauge widget provides you with real-time data on your selected metric and its current progress towards any goals that you set. You can use this widget to understand the performance against the goals you set.

As a viewer, you can modify the display settings of the widget which will be saved as your personal settings. However, if the dashboard owners make changes to the dashboard after you have saved your modifications, their changes will override your personal settings.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.-


The KPIClosed An established metric used to measure agent performance widget shows you the status of your key performance indicators (metrics) over a specific time or for the current day at a selected time.

On Widget Display, you can choose between the Horizontal or Vertical view to display your widget.

As a viewer, you can modify the display settings of the widget which will be saved as your personal settings. However, if the dashboard owners make changes to the dashboard after you have saved your modifications, their changes will override your personal settings.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.

KPI Trend

The KPI Trend widget displays the direction or pattern in which a Key Performance Indicator (KPIClosed An established metric used to measure agent performance) or metric moves over a certain period. You can use this widget to track metrics and analyze trends, which will help you get to know the efficiency of your contact center processes.

This widget displays a break-down view which is further divided by team, agent, campaign, or skill. When you select one of these options, the widget automatically selects the first five items from the list. For example, if you select Team, the first five teams will be chosen by default.

The widget then displays different trend lines for the same metric based on your selection. For example, if you select Team, it will show the trend lines for each team.

The dropdown menu lists all items, regardless of the first five default selections. For example, if you select Agent, the dropdown lists all agent, not just the first five. This view gives you a broader view of your KPI trends across different categories.

On Widget Display, you can choose between the Compact or Detailed view to display your widget.

As a viewer, you can modify the display settings of the widget which will be saved as your personal settings. However, if the dashboard owners make changes to the dashboard after you have saved your modifications, their changes will override your personal settings.

Click Options Icon for options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.


The Leaderboard widget displays the ranking of agents in your team based on the metric you select. It provides visibility over their performance and the team’s performance. As an agent or supervisor, you can use this widget to track your team’s performance and identify areas for improvement.

Click Options next to the agent's name to open the Metrics Interval widget, view Agent State Details or Give Award.

Managers or supervisors can use the Give Award feature, to recognize and reward employees by giving them performance-based incentives or awards in the form of coins.

Click Launch Coaching to initiate a coaching session directly from the dashboard. The launched session opens in a new tab with details like the agent’s name and metric name. The metric name is displayed only when the coaching session is in the Draft status. You need to have the Coaching permissions to use this feature.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.

Metric Breakdown

The Metric Breakdown widget displays an aggregated view of count and non-percentage metric values for various entities based on the entity type you select in the View By setting.

On Widget Display, you can display the data in your widget as a Table, Chart, or Table and Chart. In addition to that you can select the position of the chart legend In Legend Position.

On Chart Display, you have the option to present the data using Legends or Data Labels. The data label will not be displayed on the chart for values less than two percent.

As a viewer, you can modify the display settings of the widget which will be saved as your personal settings. However, if the dashboard owners make changes to the dashboard after you have saved your modifications, their changes will override your personal settings.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.

Metrics Interval

This widget shows the value of the metricsClosed Statistics you can measure to keep track of your contact center aggregated based on time intervals configured in the widget settings. The View By setting controls how the metrics are displayed on the widget.

On Thresholds, you can select metrics and set specific values for each range to define when they perform well or need attention. You can monitor performance and identify when they meet or exceed the desired thresholds. If you use CXone PM (currently in a controlled release) and have objectives defined for the same metrics for which you create thresholds, the defined thresholds will be displayed instead of the objectives.

As a viewer, you can modify the display settings of the widget, table display and threshold, which will be saved as your personal settings. However, if the dashboard owners make changes to the dashboard after you have saved your modifications, their changes will override your personal settings.

On Widget Display, you can display the data in your widget as a Table, Chart, or Table and Chart.

  • In the Chart view, you have the option to choose between Line, Vertical Bar, or Horizontal Bar charts.

  • You also have the flexibility to switch between vertical and horizontal display in bar charts depending on how you want to see your data.

  • The charts will automatically adjust to reflect the sorted order of the table on the widgets. The sorting is linked, ensuring that any changes you make in the table are reflected in the chart. This happens even if you’re switching between grid and chart views or using both together.

Click Launch Coaching to initiate a coaching session directly from the dashboard. The launched session opens in a new tab with details like the agent’s name and metric name. The metric name is displayed only when the coaching session is in the Draft status. However, you need to have the Coaching permissions to use this feature.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.

Metrics Review

The Metrics Review widget allows you to quickly view and compare metric averages for specific time periods like Today, Last 7 days, and Last 30 days. It can be used my managers, supervisors and agents. Managers can use the widget to track the performance of their team as a whole, while supervisors can use it to monitor the performance of individual agents on their team. Agents can also use the widget to monitor their own performance over time.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.

Metrics Summary

The Metrics Summary widget shows the metricsClosed Statistics you can measure to keep track of your contact center value aggregated for the option you select in the View By setting. You can drill down to see the metrics based on the hierarchy.

On Thresholds, you can select metrics and set specific values for each range to define when they perform well or need attention. This helps you to monitor their performance and quickly identify when they meet or exceed the desired thresholds. If you use CXone PM (currently in a controlled release) and have objectives defined for the same metrics for which you create thresholds, the defined thresholds will be displayed instead of the objectives.

As a viewer, you can modify the display settings of the widget, table display and threshold, which will be saved as your personal settings. However, if the dashboard owners make changes to the dashboard after you have saved your modifications, their changes will override your personal settings.

On Widget Display, you can display the data in your widget as a Table, Chart, or Table and Chart

  • In the Chart View, you have the option to choose between Line, Vertical Bar, or Horizontal Bar charts.

  • You also have the flexibility to switch between vertical and horizontal display in bar charts depending on how you want to see your data.

  • The charts will automatically adjust to reflect the sorted order of the table on the widgets. The sorting is linked, ensuring that any changes you make in the table are reflected in the chart. This happens even if you’re switching between grid and chart views or using both together.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.