Script Integrations

You can create your own script actions in Bot Builder. This allows you to customize how your bot responds in conversations. Script actions are custom bot actions you can use in dialoguesClosed Bot stories and rules in CXone Bot Builder. to define the bot's responses during conversations.

Script actions are created in script integrations in Bot Builder. Script integrations support JavaScript. Each script integration can have more than one action. When an action is enabled, it's available on the bot actions menu when you add a bot response to a storyClosed Used to train bot for interaction handling based on intent and context, ruleClosed Used to define bot's response to messages that don't change with context., or fallbackClosed These sites are for the development and support of CXone, not its operation. Blocking these may interfere with access to help and download links within the platform..

The following list offers examples of some ways you can use script actions:

  • Write code to design a bot action to meet your organization's unique needs.
  • Call your own external API as a script action.
  • Add scripts to bot skills and publish them in the Skill Store.

CXone Bot Builder scripts operate on the server, so there are some limitations to consider while building your scripts.

Script Editor

A script integration can have more than one action. Each action has its own script. You can access the script editor from each action's properties.

In the editor, you can enter code on the left, then click the execute triangle A triangle arrow pointing to the right. to view the results in the Console pane.

Script Variables

You can create variables to use in Bot Builder scripts. Variables can store a value to be used elsewhere in the script. They can only be used in the script integration where you create them, but you can use them in any of the scripts in that integration.

Variable values cannot be changed in the script. They can only be modified on the script integration page or when an action that refers to the variable is used in a bot response in a storyClosed Used to train bot for interaction handling based on intent and context , ruleClosed Used to define bot's response to messages that don't change with context., or fallbackClosed These sites are for the development and support of CXone, not its operation. Blocking these may interfere with access to help and download links within the platform..

To use a variable in an action:

  • The action's script must reference the variable.
  • It must be made editable in that action, if you want to be able to change the value.

Bot Builder scripts support four types of variables:

  • Text: Text variables hold simple string values. An editable text variable becomes a field in the script action UI where you can enter text in the field to assign a value to the variable.
  • Number: Number variables hold numeric values. An editable number variable becomes a field in the script action UI where you can enter a number in the field to assign a value to the variable.
  • Select: Use select variables when you want to define multiple possible values for the variable. A select variable becomes a drop-down list on the script action UI. The options in the drop-down list are defined in the Values field in the variable definition on the Scripts tab.
  • Secret: Use secret variables to hold private data, such as tokens or API credentials. After entering the value, Bot Builder masks all but the first five characters with asterisks ( * ). The value is read-only and cannot be overwritten or changed by the script or via the script action. If you need to change it, you must update the value on the Variable page in the script. Secret variables cannot be made editable.

You can define a default value for text, number, and select variables. When the variable is editable, the default value can be overwritten by selecting or entering a different value when you add the action to a bot response. When the variable is not editable but referenced in an action's script, the default value is used, if it has one. If no default is assigned, the variable has no value in the script.

The variables you create are added to the Variables object in the script integration.

Standard Objects and Functions

In addition to standard JavaScript functionalities, CXone Bot Builder has the following bot-specific framework:

Because CXone Bot Builder scripts operate on the server, there are some limitations to consider while building your scripts.

Bot Object

The Bot object contains methods that trigger script actions. When writing a script, the web editor prompts you with all available methods including their arguments and types. The following methods are available when using the Bot object:

Many methods in the Bot object can be optionally customized with an options parameter. Options can be fallbackText (fallback) or typing (smart typing). Possible values for typing are 1, 2, or 3.

Options = {
	"fallbackText": "this is the fallback text",
	"typing": 2,


Enter a plain text message for the bot to send. Use the format .sendMessage(text: string, options: Options): void. The options parameter is not required.

Bot.sendMessage('This is message written by bot')


Enter the payload for the Adaptive Card you want to send. Use the format .sendAdaptiveCard(adaptiveCard: AdaptiveCardPayload, options: Options): void. The options parameter is not required.

You can find the payload for your adaptive card in the Adaptive Card designer. In Bot Builder, go to Preferences > Adaptive Cards, then copy the contents of the Card Payload Editor pane. You can learn about working withAdaptive Cards in Bot Builder.

Bot.sendAdaptiveCard(<Valid_Adaptive Card_JSON_Payload>)


Configure and send up to three buttons. All button settings can be arranged by setting attributes. Use the example below to compare the button settings in the dialog with the attributes in the script. Use the format .sendButtons(text: string, buttons: ButtonPayload[], options: Options): void. The options parameter is not required.

Bot.sendButtons('This is message written by bot', [
	title: 'Button 1',
	intent: {
		name: 'mood'

You can also trigger entityValue, text, or url through your script.

Combining these attributes can result in an error or unexpected behavior.

// triggers intent
	title: 'Title',
	intent: 'mood'

// triggers intent with entity value
	title: 'Title',
	intent: {
		name: 'mood',
		entity: 'myEntity',
		value: 'entity value'

// url
	title: 'Title',
	url: ''

// text
	title: 'Title',
	text: 'This is a text'


Configure and send up to three quick replies. All quick reply settings can be arranged by setting attributes. The options for quick replies are the same as the options for buttons. Use the format .sendQuickReplies(text: string, quickReplies: QuickReplyPayload[], options: Options): void. The options parameter is not required.

Bot.sendQuickReplies('This is message written by bot', [
	title: 'Quick reply 1',
	intent: {
		name: 'mood'

You can also trigger entity value, text, or url through your script.

Combining these attributes can result in an error or unexpected behavior.

// triggers intent
	title: 'Title',
	intent: 'mood'

// triggers intent with entity value
	title: 'Title',
	intent: {
		name: 'mood',
		entity: 'myEntity',
		value: 'entity value'

// url
	title: 'Title',
	url: ''

// text
	title: 'Title',
	text: 'This is a text'


Configure and send up to 10 cards. Use the format .sendCards(cards: CardPayload[], options: Options): void. The options parameter is not required.

	title: 'Card title',
	description: 'Card description',
	image: '',
	mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
	button: {
		title: 'Button title',
		url: ''


Multimedia is not validated by CXone Bot Builder, but can be validated in other integrations. The content on the url must be available for the entire time the script is used. It must also be publicly accessible, as it will be downloaded repeatedly when the script is run. The media type and size restrictions are the same as when you use a multimedia bot action. Use the format .sendMultimedia(url: string, mimetype: string, options: Options): void. The options parameter is not required.

Bot.sendMultimedia('', 'image/jpeg')


Configure and send a rich link. Use the format .sendRichLink(richlink: RichLinkPayload): void.

	title: 'Title',
	url: '',
	image: '',
	mimetype: 'image/jpeg'


Configure and send up to 12 list picker options. All list picker options can be arranged by setting attributes. The options for list picker are the same as the options for buttons. Use the format .sendListPicker(message: string, description: string, actions: ListPickerPayload[], options: Options): void. The options parameter is not required.

Bot.sendListPicker('Message', 'Description', [{
	title: 'Title',
	description: 'Description',
	image: {
		url: '',
		mimetype: 'image/jpeg'
	intent: {
		name: 'mood'


Configure where the handoverClosed Any contact message that should trigger transfer to a live agent goes by using a queueId. This can be left null to use auto re-route, or it can be the id of an existing queue. Use the format .handover(queueId: string, note: stringId): void. The note parameter is optional, but queueId is required.

To locate a queueId:

  1. In CXone, click the app selector and select ACD.

  2. Go to Digital Experience > Routing Queues.

  3. Locate the queue you need the id for and click Edit.

  4. On the edit page for the queue, look at the URL in your browser. The number after /edit/ is the queueId. It should look like five sets of numbers and letters divided by dashes. For example, 67bf5865-4556-40db-ba44-6c0cc3f88ffa.

// or


Configure which tags should be applied. Any tags used in the script must already exist in CXone Bot Builder. If a tag is called in the script but doesn't exist, the action will be ignored. Use the format .addTags(tags: string[]): void.

Bot.addTags(['Tag 1', 'Tag 2'])


In some cases, you need to wait for a customer response and continue with your script execution. Since communication with customer is asynchronous, waiting for response is also asynchronous. The Bot.waitForResponse method takes one parameter: the name of the function that will be executed after a response is received. Use the format .waitForResponse(functionName: string): void.

This function has a postponed behavior. This means the outcome doesn't take effect immediately when executed. Instead, a current script execution must finish first. If you want the script to end with postponed behavior function, you must explicitly stop the script execution using a return statement or conditions.

function main() {
	console.log('Testing wait for response')
	Bot.waitForResponse('response') //The script continues to run and the next line executes while listening for a customer response
	console.log('This is still going to be executed')

function response() {
	console.log('Customer responded', Bot.slots['last customer message'].value)


Configure which slotClosed Entity extracted from contact's message and saved for use in bot responses. Similar to a variable. should be applied. Any slots used in the script must already exist in CXone Bot Builder. If a slot is called in the script but doesn't exist, the action will be ignored.

If you just want to store the value for script run, use a local variable or use the Store object. Use the format .fillSlot(name: string, value: any[]): void.

To access the actual slot value, you must access the .value attribute.

function main() {
	Bot.fillSlot('slotName', 'slotValue');


In the dot notation, the editor can prompt available slotsClosed Entity extracted from contact's message and saved for use in bot responses. Similar to a variable., but this is only applicable when slot names do not contain spaces or special characters. In cases where slot names include spaces or special characters, the bracket notation must be used instead.


// example
let contactId = Bot.slots[''].value
let lastCustomerMessage = Bot.slots['last customer message'].value


This function allows you to add what the contactClosed The person interacting with an agent, IVR, or bot in your contact center. might say in your storiesClosed Used to train bot for interaction handling based on intent and context and rulesClosed Used to define bot's response to messages that don't change with context.. Use the format .sendAsCustomer(text: string): void.

This function has a postponed behavior. This means the outcome doesn't take effect immediately when executed. Instead, a current script execution must finish first. If you want the script to end with postponed behavior function, you must explicitly stop the script execution using a return statement or conditions.

Bot.sendAsCustomer('Hello bot')

Store Object

Store is an object created to store data during script execution. Compared to a local variable, it has the advantage that it can be used across multiple .waitForResponse functions.

set, get

Store.set(name: string, value: any[]): void

Store.get(name: string): any[]

function main() {
	Store.set('token', 'my-secret-token')

async function response() {
	console.log(Store.get('token')) // my-secret-token is logged

Variables Object

The Variables object holds the variables you create in the script integration. Each variable is a property of Variables. Each variable has a set of subproperties that hold information about it. The following example shows a select variable called colorChoice:

"colorChoice": {
  "defaultValue": "red",
  "options": [
  "type": "select",
  "value": "red",
  "name": "colorChoice"

In the example, the list of values assigned to the variable are contained in the options property.

The defaultValue and value properties hold the same value initially. If you don't specify a default value for a select variable, the default is null. Variable values cannot be changed in the script, but they can be made editable, then changed when the action is used in a story or rule. 

Refer to Variables in a Script

Refer to a variable value using dot notation: Variables.varName.value

Refer to the list of options in a select variable: Variables.varName.options

View Existing Variables in a Script Integration

You can see a list of the existing variables and their properties in the script by adding the following line to your code, then executing the script. The list appears in the console. The code is: console.log(Variables). Similarly, you can view the contents of a single variable by adding console.log(Variables.varName.value) or console.log(Variables.varName.options)to your script.

fetch Functions

fetch(url: string, ?options), where possible options are:

  • method - 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'
  • headers
  • form_params
  • json
  • body

Use fetch for communicating with APIs. These can be any of the CXone APIs or your own.

const URL = ''

async function main() {
	// 1. using async/await
	try {
		const response1 = await fetch(URL, { 'method': 'GET' })

			'response 1',
		console.log('response 1', await response1.text())
	} catch (exception) {
		console.log('Error occured', exception)

	// 2. using Promises
	fetch(URL, { 'method': 'GET' })
		.then(response => {
				'response 2',
			return response.text()
		.then(response => {
			console.log('response 2', response)
		.catch(exception => {
			console.log('Error occured', exception)
	// 3. using fetchSync
	try {
		const response3 = fetchSync(URL, { 'method': 'GET' })
		console.log('response 3', response3)
	} catch (exception) {
		console.log('Error occured', exception)


The fetch function is a standard implementation of JavaScript fetch, which returns Promise and also implements .json() or .text() functions on response.

There is also a synchronous variant fetchSync, which returns the response directly, not the Promise. If you want to stay consistent with the asynchronous world of JavaScript, use a standard fetch function.

console Function

console is used for testing your script. You can log any data. The result of the log is also stored in the conversation history but is not sent to the contactClosed The person interacting with an agent, IVR, or bot in your contact center..


Use the format console.log(…output: any[]): void.

console.log('my log', 123, {pi: 3.14})


Use the format console.warn(…output: any[]): void.

console.warn('my warn', 123, {pi: 3.14})


Use the format…output: any[]): void.'my info output', 123, {pi: 3.14})


Use the format console.debug(…output: any[]): void.

console.debug('my debug output', 123, {pi: 3.14})


Use the format console.error(…output: any[]): void.

console.error('my error output', 123, {pi: 3.14})

Error Handling


You can handle errors from unexpected exceptions by defining your onError function.

let onError = (e) => console.log('my handler', e.message)
function main() {

Hashing Functions

You can use the CryptoJS library in your scripting in Bot Builder. For example: 

const cryptojs = require('crypto-js');x
var hash = CryptoJS.SHA256("TOKEN");

You can learn more about working with this library on the CryptoJS documentation An icon of a square with an arrow  pointing from the center out to the upper right corner. website.