Configure Multi-Region Storage

This page is for Cloud Storage in AWS. If you use Cloud Storage Cloud Storage in Azure, see the Azure storage section of the Cloud Storage Services online help.

Multi-region storage requires a special license to use. Contact your Account Representative to enable it for you. Multi-region storage is mutually exclusive with both custom storage and custom AWS KMS keys.

Enable Multi-Region Storage

  1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select Admin.
  2. Click Cloud StorageStorage Settings.
  3. Scroll down to MRS (Multi Region Storage) and turn it On.
  4. Use the Select Default Region drop-down to specify where to store files when they don't match any multi-region storage rules.
  5. Click Save.

Create Multi-Region Storage Rules

Before you begin creating your multi-region storage rules, carefully plan how you want the rules to work. Once files have been saved to a region, you cannot transfer them to another region. As you plan your multi-region storage rules, remember that: 

  1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select Admin.
  2. Click Cloud StorageMulti Region Storage.
  3. Create a new rule using one of these methods: 

    • Using a blank form. To do this, click New Rule.
    • Copying an existing rule and modifying it. To do this, locate the rule you want to copy, click the Options An icon of three dots stacked on top of each other. icon, and click Copy.

      If you can't find the rule you want to copy, click the Show drop-down above the table and select All. If you have many rules, you can shorten the list by using the search bar. You can also click the Filter An icon of a funnel icon and select the region associated with the rule you want to copy.

      DNIS appears in the product as an option but is not currently functional.

  4. Fill in the required fields: 

    1. Enter a unique Rule Name.
    2. Select the Region where you want files that match the rule criteria to be stored. Only the physical file is stored in the chosen region. The metadata for all files is stored in the hosted region.
    3. Specify a Start Date for the rule to begin taking effect.
    4. Select the Rule Priority you want this rule to have. This sets the order in which CXone Mpower runs the rules attempt to match against the files, with highest priority rule running first.
  5. Configure or adjust the filter criteria for the rule. These are the properties the rule requires for a file to be stored in the chosen region. Use at least one of the following fields: 

    DNIS appears in the product as an option but is not currently functional.

  6. Click Create.

  7. Repeat the preceding steps to create more rules. You may have up to 10 active rules.​

Deactivate a Multi-Region Storage Rule

You can have up to 10 active multi-region storage rules. If you already have 10 and you want to add a new one, you must deactivate one of your rules. If you decide to disable the multi-region storage feature altogether, you must deactivate all your rules.

  1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select Admin.
  2. Click Cloud StorageMulti Region Storage.
  3. Locate the rule you want to deactivate, click the Options An icon of three dots stacked on top of each other. icon, and click Deactivate.

  4. Click Yes in the confirmation window.​

Reactivate a Multi-Region Storage Rule

You cannot reactivate a deactivated multi-region storage rule. Instead, you can create a new one with the same settings. To do so, create a new multi-region storage rule by copying the inactive rule and giving it a new name.

Access Files in Multi-Region Storage

You can access your files the same way you would in a single-region environment: 

If you're using SEA, you can find the URL for each of your file locations by going to AdminCloud StorageStorage Settings. The URLs are listed in the Secure External Access > File Location section. Each location requires the same set of access credentials that you create on this page.

Disable Multi-Region Storage

  1. Deactivate all active multi-region storage rules.
  2. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select Admin.
  3. Click Cloud StorageStorage Settings.
  4. Scroll down to MRS (Multi Region Storage) and turn it Off.
  5. Click Save.