Integrate Guide with CXone Expert

This integration allows you to display CXone Expert articles and search results within Guide templates or proactive offers on your website. You must have a CXone Expert license to use this integration. To enable this, you need to:

  1. Configure a CXone Expert knowledge base to use with Guide.
  2. Add articles to the knowledge base that you want to offer to your visitors.
  3. Create a knowledge base entry point that identifies the articles to offer with that entry point. You will need to create multiple entry points if you are addressing different struggle scenarios. For example, you might have an entry point with articles about payment options and another entry point with articles about shipping options.
  4. Create a template that uses the entry point.
  5. Create engagement rules to display templates or proactive offers that showcase CXone Expert articles.

Configure a CXone Expert Knowledge Base

  1. Click the app selector and select ACD.
  2. Go to DFO > Points of Contact Digital.
  3. Under General channel features, click Guide.
  4. Click Knowledge Bases.
  5. Click Add Knowledge Base.
  6. Enter a Display name.
  7. From the KnowledgeBase Type drop-down, select CXone Expert. Currently, this is the only available type.
  8. Enter the Site url, Api user, Api key, and Api secret.
  9. Click Save.

Add Articles to the Knowledge Base

Use CXone Expert to write the articles for the Guide widget. Note the following about creating articles for use with Guide:

  • Articles are referred to as pages in CXone Expert. You will want to create a page for each article that you want to offer as guidance in Guide.

  • The pages must be part of a public CXone Expert site. Pages in sites that require the user to sign in are not supported.

  • Page-level permissions specified on the Restrict Access page in CXone Expert can influence the articles available for Guide:

    Privacy Setting

    Behavior in Guide

    Public Guide has access to all articles in the site, regardless of users or groups associated with the articles.
    Semi-Public Guide has access to all articles in the site, regardless of users or groups associated with the articles.


    Guide has access to all articles associated with the user that is configured in the knowledge base.


    Not supported.

    If the user that is configured in the knowledge base has access to private content, that content is listed in search results but is not viewable in the CXone Guide widget.

  • Conditional content in a page is not displayed in Guide.

  • A page can contain a link to another CXone Expert page. However, the link must be to another page in the same CXone Expert site. Also, the link must open in a new tab.

  • The formatting that you apply to the page in CXone Expert is used when the article appears in the Guide widget. You may want to fine-tune the formatting so that the article displays nicely when it appears in Guide and complements the look of your website.

For best results with digital guidance, visitors need to quickly find the answer they are looking for in the article. Keep the following in mind when writing articles for digital guidance:

  • Know the purpose for each article: Think about when this article will be offered to a visitor and what the visitor is trying to accomplish. What questions should this article answer?
  • Be concise: Visitors are looking for an answer and will not spend a lot of time wading through text to find an answer.
  • Use short article titles: Visitors can quickly scan the customer portal template to find an article to read. Article titles that are longer than 36 characters wrap onto a second line and appear in a smaller font. If the title still doesn't fit, the title is truncated, and an ellipsis appears.
  • Use positive and engaging language: Invest some extra time editing the article so it is easy to read.
  • Use headings to identify chunks of information: Headings make it easier to scan while reading.
  • Use images: Pictures can make articles more engaging.
  • Get a second opinion from an expert: Is there someone in Support or another department who can make sure your article meets the needs of visitors?

Create a Knowledge Base Entry Point

  1. Click the app selector and select ACD.
  2. Go to DFO > Points of Contact Digital.
  3. Under General channel features, click Guide.
  4. Click Add Entry point.

  5. Enter a Name. Be sure to use something descriptive that describes the type of content that is provided in the entry point. For example, you might name it Payments.
  6. Select Knowledge Base from the Entry Point Type drop-down list.
  7. Select a Default button for the entry point. For example, use the channel button you created for CXone Expert knowledge bases.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Above the default button you added, select the Knowledge Base to use. For example, this would be the knowledge base that contains articles about payment options.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Identify the articles to include in the entry point by starting to type search text in the Article search field. For example, if you are looking for articles about payments, type pay in the Article search field. Articles that are considered a match appear.

  12. Click Add to move articles from the Article search list to the Default articles list. Any articles listed under Default articles are available with the entry point.

  13. Click Save.