WFM Set Up
Make sure agent schedules are generated as efficiently as possible:
- You cannot create a schedule for your agents unless they're in the system, so you'll need verify that all of the relevant users have been added and assigned to a scheduling unit and mapped to WEM skills. See Configure Preferences for more information.
- Next, be sure to map your ACD codes to WFM activities. This way, the right calls will be directed to the people best able to handle those calls. This is relevant for all environments.
Then, to really streamline the process of creating a schedule, you'll want to define daily and weekly rules to help distribute agents into shifts, and create activity codes for scheduled activities, like lunch, and meetings.
If you want to create schedules that agents can bid on, through the Bidding Manager, then you'll need to create bidding templates - these contain their own sets of weekly and daily rules. When creating a schedule, you'll either generate schedules using the daily and weekly rules you defined, or use bidding templates and the Bidding Manager.
- Administrators, if applicable, you may have to establish your ACD connection.
In addition, make sure your agents have the right permissions enabled to view their WFM information in My Zone. See WFM Permissions for the specific My Zone permissions required for each page.