Schedule Manager

The Schedule Manager is a flexible tool that simplifies reviewing and editing employee schedules.

WFM uses the staffing plan you created or uploaded using WFM Forecasting, and generates a schedule. You can view and edit that schedule in the Schedule Manager, and publish it to your agents when it's ready.

Keep in mind:

  • The Forecast/Staffing Name column displays which forecast was used or which staffing plan was imported for schedule generation.

  • Not Available could mean that the forecast was deleted after the schedule was generated or wasn't used in the first place.

  • The staffing plan will always have .CSV extension to distinguish it from forecast.

To filter data, first select the scheduling units you want to view. You cannot filter by specific WEM skills or groups without selecting a scheduling unit.

You can add, update, or remove shifts as needed, letting you quickly adjust a schedule if agents call in sick, if your call volume is expected to change, etc.

You can even create schedules from scratch, if you didn't generate a schedule from forecast data, or through shift bidding.

You can only see the users in the scheduling units (or teams) you have permission to see in the view assigned to you.

This section explains how to:

Once you've created your shifts, don't forget to save and publish the schedule.