Review Schedule Optimization Plans

On the Schedule Optimization Plan page, you see all of the optimization plans. Click on a plan to review it and see more details.

Inside the plan, you can see:

When you review an active planClosed Optimization plans that you can review and optimize before they expire, click Optimize to adjust the activities. Once you optimize:

  • The schedule is updated and published.

  • The net staffing for the day is optimized.

  • Schedule updates are notified to agents. The notification is sent only to agents with new schedules.

Keep in mind, the time of the activities in the plan is adjusted to the time zone of the scheduling unit. It doesn't display your local time.

You can learn more about Schedule Optimization with these videos:

  • Overview: Discover how the Schedule Optimization feature in CXone WFM can enhance your workforce productivity with just a single click.

  • Rules: Learn how to set up schedule optimization rules and receive a daily plan that you can use.

  • Plans: Learn how to review and optimize plans, understand the improvement rate, and track plan status.

Staffing by Skill

In the Staffing by Skill tab, you can see details of the staffing data before and after optimization.

The widget shows data for the whole day in one graph. The table shows the data in 15-minute intervals.


The widget is a graph that give you a view of the variance data. In the graph, you see how far the current and optimized schedules are from the staffing requirements. When you hover over the graph, you see data for that interval.

For example, you hover over one of the intervals. You can see:

  • Required staffing: 100 agents.

  • Current schedule: Overstaffed by 20 agents and that 120 agents are scheduled.

  • Optimized schedule: You will be overstaffed only by 10 agents, with 110 agents scheduled.

The widget focuses on the variance and not the actual number. Because of this, the Required metric is the baseline to see the variance. It will always be a straight line, representing 0. You can see how far the current and optimized schedules are from the Required value.


The table gives a more detailed breakdown of the staffing data.

You can drill down to see data per skill. To the left of the table, select the skill you want to be displayed. By default, All skills is selected to show data for the whole plan. Keep in mind, All skills excludes skills that agents from the plan's scheduling unit aren't assigned to.

Next to each skill, icons indicate how optimizing would improve Image of improvement rate icon and balance image of balancing staffing icon the net staffing.

The columns displayed in the table:

  • Required: The full-time equivalent (FTE)Closed A unit that indicates the workload of an agent number of agents required to handle the interactions (such as calls and chats) within that time interval. The number comes directly from the forecast or staffing plan used to generate the schedule.

  • Scheduled: The FTE number of agents that are scheduled to be open to handle interactions within that time interval.

  • Optimized: The new FTE number of agents that are scheduled to be open, after using the optimization plan.
  • Scheduled variance: The variance between the required staffing and the current schedule.

    For example, the Required value is 100 and the Scheduled is 120. The variance is 20.

  • Optimized variance: The variance between the required staffing and the optimized schedule.

    For example, the Required value is 100 and the Optimized is 110. The variance is 10.

  • Improvement—How much the net staffing is improved using the plan. The rate is measured by the FTE number of agents. Learn how it's calculated.

Schedule Adjustments

In the Schedule Adjustment tab, you can see all of the break activities in the plan. The current and optimized schedules are in separate columns. You can filter to view only the adjusted activities.

The time is according to the scheduling unit's time zone.

Each row details the agent's activity:

  • Scheduled: When the activity is scheduled to occur before optimization.

  • Adjusted: The activity's new time after optimization. Only adjusted activities are displayed in this column.

  • Shift time: The time of the shift that the activity is scheduled for.