
This help page is for Desktop Studio. This information is also available for CXone Studio.

Automatically disconnects the current call and reserves the contact's place in the queue. When an agent is available and accepts the call, the script calls the contact back. This allows the contact to avoid being on the phone for the duration of their wait time.

Callback is often used when the script triggered a Reqagent action that has not yet been answered.

The callback phone call is not initiated until the agent accepts the call.


  • If the caller hangs up before the Callback action fires, the contact will not receive a callback. To avoid this: 
    • Callers need to stay on the line until they receive confirmation that the callback is in place. In the prompt that plays before Callback, you can include an instruction for the contact to remain on the line and that the call will automatically disconnect when their place in queue is saved.
    • Keep the prompt in the Play action placed before Callback short to avoid the caller hanging up or abandoning the call before the Callback action fires.  The prompt must be long enough to give the contact the information they need, but not so long that they hang up too soon.
  • The caller ID for a callback is usually scripted to use the DNIS of the call. This is usually the number the caller dialed. However, if the DNIS is not the number the caller dials, it could cause problems with the callback. For example, the caller may not answer a call from an unfamiliar number. To avoid this, configure the CallerID property to be the number the contact originally dialed.
  • During a callback, the values of the ANI and DNIS variables changes after the call passes through the Callback state. The change to whatever is configured in the CallerID and Phone Number properties in this action. The values of the variables will therefore match the ANI and DNIS of the new outbound call that is placed in the background when a callback is dialed.

    For this reason, if you need the original ANI and DNIS for any reason, such as to display in a marquee message or a screen pop, you must save the original values to different variables before the callback is dialed.

  • Callback disconnects a current call and leaves it in queue. To terminate a script in the Callback state, use a Hangup action.
  • All prioritization parameters assigned to the original call remain in effect.
  • The Callback in queue and the outbound contact associated with the action retain the original contact ID.
  • Voice-related scripting actions cannot be executed after the Callback action because the caller's voice path will be gone. Other script actions, however, still function as normal.
  • Callback does not automatically dial extensions.
  • When a call is in a Callback state in queue, it does not use any ports. When the call is being returned, it uses a voice port.
  • Callbacks show as an inbound call in Reporting, but as an outbound call in billing.

Supported Script Types

The icon for the Phone script type - an old-style phone handset with curved lines indicating sound coming out of it.


Input Properties

These properties define data that the action uses when executing.




Enter a short phrase that uniquely identifies this action in the script. The caption appears on the script canvas under the action icon. The default is the action name.

PhoneNumber The specific phone number you want to use. Use {ANI} if you want to call the number the caller originally dialed from or you can capture a different number from the contact and use that number to call them back.
CallerID The phone number displayed on the contact's caller ID when the callbackClosed Holds a customer's place in queue and automatically calls the customer when they move to the front of the queue. is returned by the agent.
CallDelaySec The number of seconds between when the contact center agent picks up the phone and when the system dials the contact callback number. The maximum delay is 59 seconds. If you enter 60 seconds or more, agents will be placed in a refused state.

Result Branch Conditions

Result branch conditions allow you to create branches in your script to handle different outcomes when an action executes.




Path taken unless the script meets a condition that requires it to take one of the other branches. It is also taken if the action's other branches are not defined.


Path taken when the action fails to execute properly. For example, when there is an unexpected problem such as poor connectivity, syntax errors, and so on. The _ERR variable, with a single underscore character, should be populated with a condensed explanation of the problem.

Script Example

This is an example to show how this action can be used in scripts. It is not intended to be a complete script. Additional scripting may be required.

In this script, an agent is requested, and music plays for 30 seconds while the contact waits in queue. At the end of 30 seconds, a menu asks the contact if they would like a callback when an agent becomes available. If so, press 1. If not, continue waiting. The Play action is used to say thank you if the user wants a callback (rather than the system just hanging up).

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