Interactions: Search and Playback

Use the Interactions application to search for interactions and play them back.

Required permissions: Search and Playback

In the search results page, you can refine your results further. You can save and manage queries, and export interactions.

You can play back a segmentClosed An interaction between two parties, such as a customer and an agent. Each segment represents a stage in the interaction, such as when a call is transferred to another agent, or agents speak internally to consult. or an entire contactClosed The communication with the customer, handled by agent or chat bot over a single channel. A contact may consist of multiple segments. A single channel can be any voice or digital DFO channel such as chat, SMS, and so on.. Interaction types are:

  • Voice recording

  • DigitalClosed Any non-voice channel such as chat, email, SMS, work item, and messaging channels interactions:

    • Chat, email, SMS, work item,

    • Messaging channels such as Apple Messages for Business, Custom, Facebook Messenger, LINE Messaging, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Telegram Messenger, Twitter Direct Messages, Viber Messenger, WhatsApp.

    • Public social channels, such as, Apple Reviews, Facebook, Google Places, Google Play, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube. Screen recording and CXone Quality Management are not available for public channels.

    Google Business Messages and WeChat are no longer supported. However, you can still play back previously recorded interactions.

Search by Free Text

  1. Click the app selector and select Interactions.
  2. Enter free text to find an interaction.

  3. Define the time range of the search.

  4. Click Search. Matching interactions are displayed in the Search Results page.

    • The search text is highlighted.

    • When there is a match for an OU, a yellow dot appears by the relevant agent name or team. Hover over the item to view the matching OU in the primary hierarchy path.

In the search results page, you can:

Run a Saved Query

Saved queries can include basic search criteria and filter selections. All saved queries appear in the Saved Queries pane on both the Interactions home page and the search results page.

To run a saved query, select a query from any section in the Saved Queries pane.

You can save, edit, and manage queries in the search results page.

Gain Insight Into Your Interactions

In the Interactions home page, you can view graphs of interactions from the last 24 hours, the last 7 days, or the last 30 days. View each graph by:

  • Channel (with or without screen recording)

  • Duration

  • Top teams or skills (only available if you don't have Interaction Analytics or CXone Quality Management)

  • Customer sentiments (only available if you have Interaction Analytics or CXone Quality Management Advanced)

  • Top categories (only available if you have Interaction Analytics or CXone Quality Management Advanced)

Click on a part of the graph to drill down to a list of those interactions.