Monitor Evaluations

Monitoring evaluations is done in MyZone, in the Quality Performance page.

The Quality Performance page lets you view the average evaluation scores of agents in a specific time frame. It also lets you evaluate an agent without any interactions. You can either evaluate the agent yourself or assign another evaluator to evaluate the employee. The Quality Performance page automatically refreshes every hour, whether it was previously refreshed manually or through an automated process.

Define a group of agents and the time frame (in intervals of one month) to see the scores of all their completed evaluations within that time frame.

For example, if you choose one month, you will see the average score of all the completed evaluations for each agent in that month.

You can drill down through an agent's average score to view all the completed evaluations within the specified time frame. You can also open the interactions in the player and view the evaluated form.

You can also generate evaluation reports and delete the completed evaluations.

There are two types of evaluations that can be distributed from the Quality Planner:

  • Standard Evaluation: an evaluator performs an evaluation on an interaction with the assigned form. You can review the answers on the form, and playback the interaction.
  • Collaborative Evaluation: an evaluator and the agent from the interaction both receive the interaction and the form. The evaluator evaluates the interaction, and the agent performs a self-assessment. You can view both forms side by side, and compare them, as well as play back the interaction.

Monitor Performance

To monitor performance:

  1. Go to MyZone  >  Quality Performance.

  2. Select Teams and then Groups.

    The agents in the grid will be those that overlap between the teams and groups you selected. The list of appears as you define the filters.

  3. Select the start and end date in intervals of months.

  4. For each agent, you can view their:

    • Average Score—The average evaluation score for the time frame you defined. The average score can be defined in 2 ways - average of values and average of percentages. You can configure this from the app selector and then select Quality Management > QM Score Metric.

      Average of values = total points earned ÷ total points possible of all evaluations on the page across all agents

      Average of percentages = sum of all quality scores ÷ number of evaluations across all agents

      For collaborative evaluations, only evaluator scores will be taken into account when calculating average scores.

    • No. of Evaluations—The total number of evaluations completed for that specific agent.

  5. Click an agent's Average Score to drill down to a list of all of their completed evaluations in the defined time frame.

    You can click on any of the evaluations to launch the interaction in the Player and open the answered evaluation form in new windows.

    If one of the windows doesn’t open, make sure you have enabled pop-ups on your browser.

    Keep in mind that any evaluations that have the status Challenged will not be available. These are evaluations that the agent requested for a review. They will only be available once they have been reevaluated.

Evaluate Employee

To evaluate an employee:

  1. Go to MyZone  >  Quality Performance and click New Evaluation.

  2. Select the Employee to be evaluated and then select the Evaluator.

    By default, your name appears as an Evaluator. You can select another Evaluator.The Evaluators listed depend on the team assigned to them in their views.

    See Example

    Hayley is the manager of two agent teams, team New York and team London, and an evaluator team, Paris. Nick is an evaluator assigned to team New York and Lisa is an evaluator assigned to team London. Nick and Lisa are part of the Steam included in Hayley’s views.

  3. Select the Form Name and click Evaluate.

    The evaluation form appears in a new window. You can:

    • Complete the evaluation and send it to the agent.

    • Save the evaluation form as a draft.

    • Close the evaluation form. This form gets listed in the Tasks page.

    If you have selected someone else as an Evaluator, click Assign to initiate the employee evaluation. The evaluator can open the assigned evaluation from their Tasks page in MyZone.

Delete Completed Evaluations

You can delete evaluation that is marked in the grid with a status of Completed or Auto-Acknowledged. You cannot delete collaborative evaluations.

Deleting completed evaluations is meant for irrelevant evaluations that may impact an agent's average evaluation score. An agent's average evaluation score is recalculated after the evaluation is deleted.

Keep in mind to include a reason when deleting an evaluation. This evaluation will still appear in the Evaluation report, along with the reason it was deleted.

After deleting an evaluation from the Quality Performance page in MyZone:

  • The evaluation is removed from the agent's Evaluation page.
  • It no longer appears in Search.
  • The evaluation score is not included in the average scores displayed in CXone QM widgets, such as Team Performance, Evaluations and Coaching Events, and Agent Scoring.