Set Up Work Items
Work items require one or more custom scripts depending on the purpose for which your organization uses them. There are no generic scripts or scripting instructions. Before you begin the tasks on this page, talk to your CXone Account Representative about what you want to achieve by using work items. Your representative will involve CXone Professional Services, who will work with you to create a script that helps you reach your goal.
Complete each of these tasks in the order given.
Create a Campaign
Required permissions: Campaigns Create
If you've already created a campaign A grouping of skills used to run reports. that you plan to use, you can skip this step. For example, you may have a campaign that you intend to use across several channels.
- Click the app selector
and select ACD.
- Go to Contact Settings > Campaigns.
- Click Create New.
- Enter a value in the Campaign Name field.
- Click Create Campaign.
Create a Work Item Skill
Required permissions: Skills Create and Skills Edit
The name of a skill should be meaningful. It's helpful to be consistent when naming skills. Decide on a standard format for skill names that works for your organization.
A skill name must have a minimum of 2 characters and a maximum of 30. Skill names may only contain letters, numbers, and these special characters:
- Hyphens (-)
- Underscores (_)
- Periods (.)
- Colons (:)
Click the app selector
and select ACD.
Go to Contact Settings > ACD Skills.
Click Create New > Single Skill.
- Set the Media Type to Work Item. Specify the Type of queue the work item should enter as either Real-Time or Persistent. See the table below for more details on Type.
- Enter a Skill Name.
- Select the Campaign you want the skill to be part of.
Configure the remaining optional fields in the Skill Information section as needed.
Learn more about fields in this step
Field Details Type Specifies whether the work items generated for this ACD skill enter the real-time queue or the persistent queue on creation. The persistent queue pauses the work item script when the action occurs and doesn't resume until the work item is delivered to an agent. In that time, you can't perform any actions on the work item; however, it is still tracked and reported as usual during that time. Utilizing the persistent queue enables you to queue up to 100,000 work items in a single channel handling environment and up to 5,000 work items in a dynamic delivery environment. When creating a work item POC, be sure to double-check the Type of queue in the selected skill. If you are setting up a persistent work item POC, you must assign a skill with Persistent selected as the Type; you cannot use a real-time skill POC to queue a persistent work item. Transferred to Script Specifies the script that runs when an agent transfers a contact from another skill to this skill. The transferred contact switches to this script rather than running scripts from the original ACD skill. You could use this field for overflow or supervisor escalation scripts, which often include multiple queue scripts with varying logic that differ from normal inbound logic.
This does not work if the work item Type is set to Persistent.
Workforce Intelligence Minimum Agents The minimum number of agents that must belong to this ACD skill. This setting prevents automatic actions associated with Workforce Intelligence rules from removing too many agents from the ACD skill. When the number of agents reaches this number or lower, all skill removal actions, even automatic ones, require approval.
This setting doesn't affect agentless ACD skills.
Workforce Intelligence Minimum Available Agents The minimum number of available agents that must be maintained for this ACD skill. This setting prevents automatic actions associated with Workforce Intelligence rules from removing too many agents from the ACD skill. When the number of available agents reaches this number or lower, all ACD skill removal actions, even automatic ones, require approval.
This setting doesn't affect agentless ACD skills.
- If you want to use screen pops
A configurable pop-up window with information about the contact. It appears on an agent's screen after a certain event, usually when the agent connects to a contact. for this skill, select the Use Screen Pops checkbox. Modify the optional settings in the Screen Pops section if you want to customize your screen pops. This capability is only supported for CXone Agent suite. You can also do this later.
Learn more about fields in this step
Field Details Use Custom Screen Pops Select this checkbox if you are using a separate application or website to run the screen pops. Application or
Select either Application or Webpage.
If you chose Application, enter either the entire path to the executable. if you chose Webpage, enter the full URL.
You can customize the title of the tab that pops up in the MAX interface by appending the icAgentPanelTitle= parameter to the URL.
If you want to change the default prioritization settings for this skill, modify the settings in the Priority Management While in Queue section. You can also do this later.
Learn more about fields in this step
Initial Priority Enter a numeric value you want to set as the base level priority Skill-based designation of the importance of contacts that determines delivery order. for all contacts in an inbound skill or for fresh records and retries in an outbound skill (callbacks
Holds a customer's place in queue and automatically calls the customer when they move to the front of the queue. always take priority and are not affected by this setting). The default value is 0.
Enter a numeric value to determine how quickly the priority of the skill increases. For every minute a contact stays in queue, the priority increases by the value you configure for Acceleration.
The default value is 1. The minimum value is 0 and the maximum priority is the value configured in the Maximum Priority field.
For example, if the Initial Priority is 4, and you set Acceleration to 1, then with each passing minute that the contact is not handled, the priority increases by one. In this example, if the contact has been in queue for three minutes, then the priority will be raised to 7.
Priority increments in seconds. For example, when Acceleration is 1, a contact's priority increases by 0.5 after 30 seconds in queue.
For Personal Connection skills, set this value to 0 because there is no queue of contacts.
You can set Initial Priority for one skill lower than another skill, but if you set Acceleration for that skill higher, it can jump spots in the queue. For example, you set Initial Priority for Skill A to 1 and Acceleration to 5. You set Initial Priority for Skill B to 3 and Acceleration to 1. Initially, a contact for Skill B will be first in queue because it has a priority of 4, but after one minute, Skill A will take its place at the top because its priority will be 6.
CXone combines the acceleration value with the time the contact has been in queue and the initial priority using the formula Overall Priority = (Time * Acceleration) + Initial Priority.
Maximum Priority Enter a numeric value to determine the maximum priority a contact can have. If you choose not to use Acceleration, this value should match the Initial Priority. The default value is 1000. -
If you want to change the default service level settings for this skill, modify the fields in the Service Level section.
Learn more about fields in this step
Service Level Threshold The number of seconds agents have to respond to meet an SLA Commitment between a service provider and a customer with a defined service level threshold, including quality, availability, and responsibilities. For example, if your SLA for this skill is to respond to 80% of contacts within 20 seconds, enter a value of 20.
Service Level Goal
The percentage of contacts agents must respond to by the Service Level Threshold to meet the SLA. For example, if the SLA for this skill is to respond to 80% of contacts within 20 seconds, enter a value of 80
- If you want to test how contacts in this skill change in priority over time compared to other skills, use the Priority Comparison tool.
You can also do this later.
In the Skills to Compare section, click +.
Add Available skills until all skills you want to compare are in the Selected list. You don't need to add the skill you are currently editing; it appears in the graph automatically.
- Click Done.
Use the Elapsed Time and Time Interval fields to define the period of time you want the graph to cover and the time interval
A period between points, limits, or events, such as dates or times you want to mark a new point on the graph.
Click Compare.
- Click Create. Complete additional configurations to customize or manage your skills.
Create the Point of Contact
Required permissions: Points of Contact Create
Click the app selector
and select ACD.
Go to Contact Settings > Points of Contact.
- Click Create New and select Single Point of Contact.
- For the Media Type, select Work Item.
- Enter a Name for the point of contact.
- Select the ACD Skill you created earlier.
- Select the Script you created in Studio.
- If you want calls to this number to track IVR press paths for reporting, select IVR Reporting Enabled.
- Click Create Point of Contact.
Add Users to Work Item Skills
Required permissions: Skills Edit, Skills User Assignment
- Click the app selector
and select ACD.
Go to Contact Settings > ACD Skills.
Click the skill
Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge you want to edit.
Click the Users tab.
- Select the checkbox for each user you want to assign to the skill. Click Add Users.
Set the Proficiency for each user in this ACD skill to a number between 1 (highest) and 20 (lowest). Click Save Proficiencies.
If you don't click Save Proficiencies before leaving the page, all users you added to the skill profile will be removed.
Configure Work Item Contact Settings for Users
Required permissions: Employees Edit
Click the app selector
and select ACD.
Go to Contact Settings > ACD Users.
Open the user you want to modify and click the Contact Settings tab.
In the Contact Refusal Timeouts section, enter a number of Seconds for work items. This value defines the amount of time an agent can be idle in an interaction before the interaction times out and is transferred to another agent.
Set the users' skill proficiency level. To do so, click the drop-down in the Proficiency column and select the level you want to apply to each user. When the proficiency levels for all new users are how you want them, click Save Proficiencies.
Depending on how work items are used in your organization, consider whether to perform these optional tasks: