Snippets 除錯

此頁面適用於 Desktop Studio目前,CXone Studio 不支援本頁描述的選項。

您可以從 Snippet 視窗對 snippet 進行偵錯。偵錯程式允許您看到 snippet 代碼中的變數。這可以幫助您解決代碼中的問題。偵錯 snippet 有五個選項:


檢查 Snippet 語法

您可以讓 Studio 檢查 snippet 中的語法。

  1. Studio 中,開啟一個包含 Snippet 動作的指令碼。
  2. 點擊兩下 Snippet 動作。
  3. 如果沒有,請在 Text View 標籤上新增 Snippet 代碼。
  4. 點擊 Snippet 編輯器視窗底部的 Check Syntax 圖示

    如果沒有發現語法錯誤,「檢查語法」圖示旁邊的狀態列會顯示訊息 Okay

    如果發現語法錯誤,會彈出錯誤訊息,描述錯誤。描述包含錯誤所在的行號。此外,「檢查語法」圖示旁邊的狀態欄位顯示訊息 Error at line [#]

  5. 更正我們發現的語法問題。
  6. 您可以選擇 snippet 代碼中的一行或多行,然後點擊 Comment out selected lines 圖示 。如果您想跳過一個錯誤並檢查其餘的錯誤,這很有幫助。
  7. 您可以在 snippet 中選擇一個或多個評論行,然後點擊 Uncomment the selected lines 圖示


  1. Studio 中,開啟一個包含 Snippet 動作的指令碼。
  2. 點擊兩下 Snippet 動作。
  3. Add Snippet code on the Text View tab, if it doesn't already contain some.
  4. On the right side of the Snippet editor window, click the Debugger tab.
  5. Click the down-arrow button on the right side of the Debug icon An icon of a window with a green right-facing triangle. On the right side of the icon is a down-facing black triangle that opens a drop-down menu. and select StartAn icon of a green play button triangle..
  6. If there are any syntax errors in the code, the Snippet editor window expands. All errors in the code appear in a pane at the bottom of the window. If there are no errors, skip to the next step.

    1. Correct the errors.
    2. When the errors have been corrected, click the Close or Clear Trace Output icons An X. to close the error pane.
    3. Start the debugger again.
  7. View the contents of the Variables as Text tab. The tab shows the variables and their values when all of the code has been executed if you didn't set a breakpoint.
  8. You can select one or more lines in the snippet code and click the Comment out selected lines icon An icon with open and closed angle brackets next to each other with a blue forward slash between them.. This is helpful if you want to remove some code to see how the outcome of the debugging changes.
  9. You can select one or more lines of commented-out code and click the Uncomment the selected lines icon An icon with open and closed angle brackets next to each other with a forward slash between them. A large red forward slash crosses the other characters. to add those lines back into the snippet.


如果您想讓偵錯操作在 snippet 代碼的某一行停止,您可以設定一個中斷點。這可以讓您在 snippet 中看到變數和數值,而不需要逐行瀏覽。

  1. Studio 中,開啟一個包含 Snippet 動作的指令碼。
  2. 點擊兩下 Snippet 動作。
  3. Add Snippet code on the Text View tab, if it doesn't already contain some.
  4. Click in the column to the left of the line numbers in the Snippet editor window. A red circle appears at that line number.

  5. On the right side of the Snippet editor window, click the Debugger tab.
  6. Click the down-arrow button on the right side of the Debug icon An icon of a window with a green right-facing triangle. On the right side of the icon is a down-facing black triangle that opens a drop-down menu. and select StartAn icon of a green play button triangle..
  7. If there are any syntax errors in the code, the Snippet editor window expands. All errors in the code appear in a pane at the bottom of the window. If there are no errors, skip to the next step.

    1. Correct the errors.
    2. When the errors have been corrected, click the Close or Clear Trace Output icons An X. to close the error pane.
    3. Start the debugger again.
  8. View the contents of the Variables as Text tab. The tab shows the variables and their values at the breakpoint, if you set one. The line where the debugging paused for the breakpoint is highlighted in the Snippet Editor window.
  9. If you're done with the breakpoint, click the red circle again to clear it.
  10. Set another breakpoint, if you need one.
  11. To continue debugging from the breakpoint, click the Resume icon An icon of a green play triangle..
  12. To stop debugging, click the Stop Debugging A black square. icon.

逐步瀏覽 Snippet 代碼

您可以使用偵錯程式工具來逐行瀏覽該 snippet 代碼。這可以讓您看到在執行每一行時,變數和變數的值是如何變化。

  1. Studio 中,開啟一個包含 Snippet 動作的指令碼。
  2. 點擊兩下 Snippet 動作。
  3. Add Snippet code on the Text View tab, if it doesn't already contain some.
  4. On the right side of the Snippet editor window, click the Debugger tab.
  5. Click the down-arrow button on the right side of the Debug icon An icon of a window with a green right-facing triangle. On the right side of the icon is a down-facing black triangle that opens a drop-down menu. and select StartAn icon of a green play button triangle..
  6. If there are any syntax errors in the code, the Snippet editor window expands. All errors in the code appear in a pane at the bottom of the window. If there are no errors, skip to the next step.

    1. Correct the errors.
    2. When the errors have been corrected, click the Close or Clear Trace Output icons An X. to close the error pane.
    3. Start the debugger again.
  7. View the contents of the Variables as Text tab. It displays the variables in the code and their values when the snippet code starts.
  8. Click the Step icon An icon to move to the next line in the snippet.
  9. Repeat steps the preceding two steps for each line in the snippet.
  10. If you want to skip the remaining lines of code, click the Resume icon An icon of a green play button triangle.. The Variables as Text tab displays the variables and their values when all of the snippet code has executed.
  11. To stop debugging, click the Stop Debugging A black square. icon, then repeat this process starting from step 3.


You can view the contents of dynamic objects in the Snippet editor window when you run the debugger. This allows you to verify that the object holds the data it's supposed to at each step in your code.

  1. In Studio, double-click on a Snippet action.
  2. Add snippet code, if necessary.
  3. On the Debugger tab, click the Variables as Tree tab.
  4. On the Debugger tab, click the down arrow next to the Start Debugging icon An image of a triangular green play buttonand select Step Into A series of horizontal lines with an arrow pointing from one line to the one beneath it.. If you don't want to step through the code line by line, click the Start Debugging icon.
  5. Click the Step A series of horizontal lines with an arrow pointing from one line to the one beneath it. icon and observe the contents on the Variables as Tree tab. Each time you click Step, this field updates with the variables and objects in the script after the previous line of code. Skip this step if you clicked Start Debugging.
  6. When you have stepped through all lines of code or if you clicked Start Debugging, the Variables as Tree tab displays all variables, objects, and their contents at the end of the snippet.
  7. You can click the + icon next to any string arrays or dynamic objects in the code to expand them. If the content is another array or object, you can continue to expand the tree to see what each entity contains.

使用 TRACE 進行偵錯

TRACE  關鍵字允許您使用記錄進行偵錯。此關鍵字只在 Snippet 編輯器視窗中使用偵錯程式工具時有效。當您將其包含在 snippet 中並運行偵錯程式時,文字會輸出到出現在 Snippet 編輯視窗底部的 Trace 窗格。

Snippet 視窗之外,會忽略 TRACE 關鍵字。其僅適用於偵錯程式工具。

語法是:TRACE "<text>"

雙引號內的文字將輸出到 Snippet 編輯視窗。其會出現在視窗底部的 Trace 窗格中。


FOR i=1 TO 5
   TRACE "I = {i}"


I = 1

I = 2

I = 3

I = 4

I = 5