AskCaller (SMS Scripts)

This help page is for Desktop Studio.This information is also available for CXone Studio.

向本地 CXone SMS 聯絡人請求資訊。例如,使用此動作請求聯絡人向您提供帳號、姓名或任何其他有用資訊。

Supported Script Types

The icon for the SMS script type - a smart phone with a chat bubble coming out of it.


The Askcaller action can also be used in scripts with the digital or chat type.

Input Properties





輸入在指令碼中唯一標識此操作的短語。標題出現在指令碼畫布上的動作圖示下。The default is the action name.

Message 執行此動作時,傳送到選定目標的文字。您可以在此欄位中使用變數。
ResultVar 將建立並保留返回資訊的變數名稱。例如,若聯絡人輸入其帳號為 123456,則變數將保留 123456
TimeoutSec 動作超時前等待執行的秒數。值必須在060之間。 The contact has this amount of time to enter information into their chat window.

Result Branch Conditions




Default 指令碼未能滿足需要它採用其中一個分支的條件時採用的路徑。如果沒有定義動作的其他分支,也會採用該路徑。
Timeout 在指定的秒數內沒有回應時採用的路徑。
CallerResponded 聯絡人提供了回應時採用的路徑。
Error 動作未能正確執行時採用的路徑。例如,當出現連接不良、語法錯誤等意外問題時。_ERR變數(帶有一個下畫線字元)應填入針對問題的簡要說明。

Script Example


In the following script, the AskCaller action requests an account number from the contact. If the contact provides an account number, they are passed on to an agent through the Reqagent action. If the contact does not respond, the interaction is looped back to the account number prompt. This occurs up to the number of times specified in the Loop action. Each loop sends a message explaining that the system did not receive a response from the contact. If no response is received after the specified number of loops, a different message is sent to inform the contact that no account number was received, then the interaction ends.

Example script that includes ASKCALLER SMS

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