Create Prospects v2

This help page is for Desktop Studio.This information is also available for CXone Studio.

添加潜在联系人到 Personal Connection 营销活动。具体来说,就是从一个潜在客户来源中检入/检出潜在的联系人,并将他们引入平台。使用 CREATESOURCEMAP action创建潜在客户来源的地图。

此版本的 CREATEPROSPECTS 支持多号码联系人。


Create Prospects v2多号码支持结合使用。

Supported Script Types

The icon for a Generic script type - a rectangle with < and > symbols inside it.

The icon for the Email script type - a large @ symbol in a diamond.

The icon for the Chat script type - a chat bubble with an ellipsis inside (...), in a diamond shape.

The icon for the Phone script type - an old-style phone handset with curved lines indicating sound coming out of it.

The icon for the Voicemail script type - a symbol that looks like a cassette tape - two circles sitting on a horizontal line.

The icon for the Work Item script type-a piece of paper with one corner folded down and a bullet list on it.

The icon for the SMS script type - a smart phone with a chat bubble coming out of it.


电子邮件 聊天 电话 语音信箱 工作项目 短信

Input Properties





输入在脚本中唯一标识此操作的短语。标题显示在脚本画布上的操作图标下方。The default is the action name.

SkillNo 与潜在联系人相关联的 Personal Connection ACD 技能关闭 用于根据坐席的技能、能力和知识自动传递交互。此下拉列表列出了租户关闭 用于管理 CXone环境的技术支持、计费和全局设置的高级组织分组的所有呼出技能。
SourceName 生成记录的来源的名称。提供系统内记录的逻辑分组。如果您的源映射无效或丢失,您可能会收到“缺少外部 ID”错误。
Data 动态数据对象,包含要创建/更新的潜在联系人。
NoTimeZoneReject 如果无法确定联系人的时区,则系统可以使用 TimeZone 属性中列出的时区或拒绝该联系人。Enter Yes to use the specified time zone or No to reject the contact.
TimeZone CXone无法自动识别时区时,联系人默认的时区。
DefaultExpirationDate Default expiration date to use if a row level expiration date is not supplied.

Output Properties




Results (out) 一个动态数据对象,包含操作执行的结果。 Results are records that succeeded and failed. The result of every record is represented in one of two groups: SuccessfulRecords or FailedRecords. Each record is appended with a new column, ResultCode, which contains the message for success or fail.

Result Branch Conditions







操作无法正确执行时所采用的路径。例如,出现连接不良、语法错误等意外问题时。_ERR 变量以单个下划线字符填充,应包含对问题的简要解释。

Script Example


The control script shown below is meant to be a brain script that will be signaled to get new contacts for dialing when the queue is below the desired thresholds on the skill关闭 用于根据坐席的技能、能力和知识自动传递交互. Make sure you also select this script in the Skill Parameters: XS Settings parameters in the settings of a Personal Connection (PCACD skill in CXone.

Brain Script

Double-click any of the Assign variables to see the Assign Properties window:

Download this script.


The Runsub action (caption is Run Create Prospects Script) in the brain script above opens the following subscript, which is used to pull records out of the CRM关闭 管理联系人、销售信息、支持详细信息和案例历史记录等事项的第三方系统。 and submit them for consideration to be dialed.

Double-click any of the Assign Variables to see the Assign Properties window:

The reason for the two scripts is due to the fact that the brain script gets interrupted, which you don't want to happen.

Download this script.