Askcaller (Chat Scripts)

This help page is for Desktop Studio.This information is also available for CXone Studio.


Supported Script Types

The icon for the Chat script type - a chat bubble with an ellipsis inside (...), in a diamond shape.


Askcaller 操作也可以在 SMS 数字媒体类型的脚本中使用。

Input Properties





输入在脚本中唯一标识此操作的短语。标题显示在脚本画布上的操作图标下方。The default is the action name.

Message 执行此操作时发送到所选目标的文本。您可以使用此字段中的变量。
ResultVar 创建并保存返回信息的变量名称。例如,如果联系人将其帐号输入为 123456,则该变量保留 123456
TimeoutSec 操作在超时之前等待执行的秒数。该值必须介于 060 The contact has this amount of time to enter information into their chat window.

Result Branch Conditions




Default 除了脚本满足条件要求其接受其他分支的情况之外,所要采用的路径。如果未定义操作的其他分支,也会执行此操作。
Timeout 在指定的秒数内没有响应时所采用的路径。
CallerResponded 联系人提供响应时采用的路径。
Error 操作无法正确执行时所采用的路径。例如,出现连接不良、语法错误等意外问题时。_ERR 变量以单个下划线字符填充,应包含对问题的简要解释。

Script Example


In the following script, the Askcaller action requests an account number from the contact. If the contact provides an account number, they are passed on to an agent through the Reqagent action. If the contact does not respond, the interaction is looped back to the account number prompt. This occurs up to the number of times specified in the Loop action. Each loop sends a message explaining that the system did not receive a response from the contact. If no response is received after the specified number of loops, a different message is sent to inform the contact that no account number was received, then the interaction ends.

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