ChatRepository owns and maintains the chat object and its state.
Initial Sdk Configuration to use.
Initial authorization to use.
Initial user name to use.
True if in development mode to get extra logging.
Provider of device tokens for push messages, default implementation will disable push notifications.
The Logger used by the SDK, default is no-op implementation.
INTERNAL USAGE ONLY Provides ChatBuilder. For internal testing usage only.
Configuration scope used to reconfigure and restart the chat session.
Defines provider of device token for push notifications, typically this will be Firebase.messaging.token
Add a listener to receive notifications of chat and state changes.
Update the configuration of chat.
Method is invoked when Chat instance encounters possible exception in a background process. Application should handle these exceptions according to the description of each RuntimeChatException. Some of these exceptions can indicate issues during transfer of messages while others may indicate that further interactions with Chat will be ignored.
Method is invoked when chat instance is connected and ready to send/receive messages, events or actions. This happens once initial connection is established or after Chat.reconnect is called.
Method is invoked when chat session is unexpectedly lost. Chat instance should be considered unusable, until reconnect is performed. If this method is invoked while the Chat.reconnect is being performed, then application should consider the reconnection attempt as failed. It is recommended that only a limited number of reconnection attempts are performed. If the problems persist despite the fact that the device has internet connectivity, then please collect logs (assuming the development mode is enabled) and contact your CXone representative with request for support. Integration should also check for possibly lost incoming messages & thread changes once reconnection is done.
Reestablish a chat connection if one does not currently exist.
Remove a listener no longer concerned with chat and state changes.
Set custom values on the current chat instance.