Smart Typing

Smart typing is a setting that tells your bot to display a typing indicatorFermé Une bulle avec trois points mobiles. Montre au client que le bot semble taper. prior to sending a message. When smart typing is turned on, your bot uses the content being sent to determine how long the typing indicator should display. The typing indicator display time changes automatically for messages with different character length, multimedia, rich content, or other actions. This helps make your bot seem more like a real person.

Any messaging channel can use smart typing to pause before sending messages, but the ability to display a typing indicator is currently only supported by the following channels:

  • Facebook Messenger
  • Messages Apple pour les entreprises
  • Mobile SDK
  • Digital Experience Chat
  • Twitter (Direct Messaging channels only)

Toggle Smart Typing

Smart typing is enabled by default. You can always turn it on and off in Preferences. If it is off, however, you will need to manually set the typing indicatorFermé Une bulle avec trois points mobiles. Montre au client que le bot semble taper. duration for each individual message or action.

  1. Dans CXone, cliquez sur le sélecteur d'application et sélectionnezBot Builder.

  2. Click the bot you want to work with.
  3. Click Preferences icon, which looks like a gear. in the left icon menu.
  4. On the Settings tab, click Smart Typing.
  5. Click the toggle to turn smart typing on or off. It is ON by default.