Form Manager
To learn more about quality plans, see the CXone Mpower QM Quality Plans on this page.
Form Manager makes working with forms quick and easy. A form is a collection of questions used to evaluate agent interactions. This helps to check how well agents are doing their jobs.
Forms can be used for standard evaluations, self-assessments performed by the agents, and collaborative evaluations, performed by both an evaluator and the agent.
As a QM manager, you can use the Form Manager to create new forms and manage your existing forms.
Create Forms
You can create a form by dragging and dropping elements into the form, and then defining questions and answers.
You can create a new form or clone an existing one and change the content.
In addition, you can assign scores to each question, make a dynamic form that changes based on different answers, and define critical questions that must be answered correctly or the evaluation will fail.
Remember, after creating a form, you'll still have to activate it before it can be used.
To create a new form:
- Click the app selector
and select Quality Management.
Click Manage Forms.
Click New Form.
Enter the title and subtitle for the form header.
It is best to enter the purpose of the form in the subtitle. This will help the evaluator or agent understand what the form is about.
You can also define the background color of the form and change the default logo. When you change the background color of a section, you cannot drag more elements into it. To add more elements, you need to duplicate the section, delete the old one, and then add the new elements.
Define the header fields. These will be filled in when the evaluator opens the form.
You can add up to five custom headers to a form.
Drag and drop a Section
to your form and add elements to create questions and labels. Question options include: free-text, yes/no, radio button, checkbox, drop-down, and date/time questions.
Define each element's properties in the Properties pane.
If you want to add a critical question, select the Mark as Critical checkbox in the Properties pane, and define the questions and the answers that will pass or fail the form.
Click Scoring
to enable and define scoring or ranking on the form. See Enable Scoring and Ranking.
Click Settings
to define the evaluation flow for your form.
Click Test Form to preview and validate the completed form.
Click Save.
In the Save Form window, enter a name for your form and click Save. The form you created will appear in the Form Manager grid.
Remember, once you've created your form, you still have to activate it before it can be used.
Add Dynamic Rules
Dynamic forms change based on the evaluator's responses to questions. Depending on their answer to one question, a follow-up question/section may or may not appear.
For example, if the evaluator chooses Excellent on a question regarding agent handling, then a question related to agent improvement will not appear.
To add a dynamic rule:
Click Define Rules
inside of the question you want to make dynamic.
Keep in mind, you cannot define the last question in a form as dynamic.
Define the condition that triggers the rule.
From the drop-down list, choose the question or section you want to hide when the condition is met.
To add more conditions to this element, click Plus
next to the condition row.
Once you have two or more conditions, you must also choose the relationship between them (and/or).
To add more rules, click Plus
next to the rule.
Click Set. The color of Define rules
for the question changes to green.
Enable Scoring and Ranking
When you enable scoring on a form, a score will be generated in real-time based on the evaluator's responses. A total score will appear at the top of the form, and a section score will appear at the top of each section on the form.
After you update or set the scoring of a section, you can't drag more elements into it. To add more elements, you need to duplicate the section, delete the old one, and then add the new elements.
The score is displayed as a percentage.
To define scoring:
Open the form and click Define Scoring
In the Set Scoring tab, select Enable scoring.
Select Scorable for each question you want to score.
You will only be able to define scores for Yes/No, radio button, and checkbox question types.
Assign a number of points for each response.
At any point, you can restart your scoring from scratch by clicking Reset.
Click Save.
To define ranking:
Define scoring for the form.
In the Set Ranking tab, select Enable Ranking.
Set the score range and display text for each rank. This will appear when the agent opens the evaluation.
To add additional ranges, click +Add.
Click Save.
The Question Bank
If you have questions that get reused from form to form, the question bank is a useful tool.
The question bank is a collection of ready questions that can be dragged and dropped directly into your form. You can edit these questions after you've added them into your form.
Keep in mind, only questions and answers will be saved in the bank, not the design or logic added to them.
To use the question bank:
Click Save
next to a question to add it to the bank.
You can view the question in the Question Bank tab.
Drag and drop a question from the Question Bank tab into your form to use it.
Edit the question if necessary.
You can save the edited question as a new question in the bank. The original question will remain in the bank, unchanged.
Manage Forms
The Form Manager grid lets you keep track of forms at a glance. You can edit a form directly from the grid by clicking on it. You organize the view by filtering the forms based on their status.
In addition to the form name and version, the following fields are also available in the grid:
Column |
Details |
Status |
Possible form statuses:
Actions |
These actions are available in the grid:
You can select several forms at once to delete, activate, or deactivate. Delete the form if you will never be using a form. This will help you keep the form list as clean as possible. |
Add Auto-Response Rules
The auto-response rules option in a form is only available for users with the QM Advanced license. Also, you need to have View permission to use Analytics Category Manager. In CXone Mpower, go to Admin > Security > Roles and Permissions, the permission is under QM Tools > Category Manager.
Auto-response rules are simple rules the quality manager configures for questions by selecting categories, sentiments, or agent behavior while setting up the form.
Based on your selection, QM automatically responds to the evaluation form questions matching the criteria associated with the interaction. This helps the evaluators to complete evaluations faster, as many of the questions in the form will already have answers filled in for them. Evaluators can review the responses and change them if needed.
What can I do with auto-response rules?
Create auto-response rules for yes/no, radio button, checkbox question types.
Select language for setting up rule. You can filter the category in your preferred language.
Select sentiments for the responses.
Select agent behaviors for the responses.
To add auto-response rules for categories:
Click Auto-Response Rules
inside the question you want to be automatically evaluated by QM.
Select Categories as a rule type.
Select Interaction Analytics (IA) Categories as a rule type. IA Categories let users create custom categories. You can use operators like OR, AND, and AND NOT to find interactions with specific words or phrases. These can be on the agent or customer side. You can also use timestamps to find words or phrases at the start or end of an interaction. For example, a “Greeting” category can look for greetings used in the first 30 seconds. You can see only Unified IA categories in this drop-down.
The IA Category Support in Quality Management feature is applicable only to tenants who possess both the IA and QMA/QMP licenses. Tenants with only the QMA/QMP licenses are not impacted by this feature.
Select QM Categories as a rule type. QM Categories let users choose from pre-built options or create their own for QM Advanced/QM Premium features. These categories use words and phrases and act as an “OR” operator. This means the category will find interactions with any of the words or phrases in the transcript. This option is available only with Quality Management Advanced license.
Select the language to set up rules for categories. Depending on your subscription, languages will be displayed. Supported languages include Brazilian Portuguese, English, Canadian French, Dutch, European Spanish, French, German, and Spanish.
Select the categories that will help to trigger the rule. For each answer, you can select up to 10 categories.
For the yes/no and radio button questions, the categories selected for one answer will not be available for another one. For questions with a checkbox, all the categories will be available for all answers.
The form contains a Yes/No question: Did the agent greet the customer? If the answer is Yes, the QM manager may set the Welcome category. If the answer is No, the manager may configure the Impolite category. When an interaction is evaluated, QM responds to the evaluation form questions matching the categories. If the agent welcomed the customer during the interaction, QM answers the question as Yes. Later, evaluators can review the responses and change them, if needed.
Click Save.
You can edit the question, language and categories set in the auto-response rule.
To add auto-response rules for sentiments:
Click Auto-Response Rules
inside the question you want to be automatically evaluated by QM.
Select Sentiments as a rule type. This option is available only with the Quality ManagementAdvanced license.
Select the sentiment for each answer choice.
For yes/no and radio button questions, the answer choices must be distinct.
The form contains a Yes/No question: Was the agent polite to the customer? If the answer is Yes, the QM manager may set the sentiment as Positive and Agent side. If the answer is No, the manager may configure the sentiment as Negative and Agent side.
Click Save.
You can edit the question and sentiments set in the auto-response rule.
To add auto-response rules for enlighten sentiments:
Click Auto-Response Rules
inside the question you want to be automatically evaluated by QM.
Select Enlighten Sentiments as a rule type. This option is available only with the Quality Management Advanced or Quality Management Premium license.
Select the sentiment for each answer choice.
For yes/no and radio button questions, the answer choices must be distinct.
Click Save.
You can edit the question and enlighten sentiments set in the auto-response rule.
To add auto-response rules for agent behaviors:
Click Auto-Response Rules
inside the question you want to be automatically evaluated by QM.
Select Agent Behaviors as a rule type. This option is available only if you have the Quality Management Premium license and Agent Behavior model is selected under the CXone Mpower Behavior Models license.
Select the agent behavior for each answer choice.
For yes/no and radio button questions, the answer choices must be distinct.
The form contains a Yes/No question: Was the agent responsive? If the answer is Yes, the QM manager may set the agent behavior as Demonstrated ownership and Strongly positive. If the answer is No, the manager may configure the agent behavior as Demonstrated ownership and Strongly negative.
Click Save.
You can edit the question and agent behaviors set in the auto-response rule.
Edit Forms
Save form without updating version only applies to forms that have been saved and activated. This feature only allows for cosmetic edits to be done on the form without changing the version number. On loading the form the feature is enabled, any non-cosmetic elements will be grayed out and cannot be changed. To ensure that the version number changes regardless of what is edited, then Save form without updating version must be turned off.
Non-cosmetic changes consist of:
Adding or removing a question
Adding or removing answer options
Drag and drop questions
Properties changes, for example, Mandatory, N/A, Critical
Setting changes
Formula changes
Cosmetic changes consist of:
Font size and color
Color changes to the form
Question rephrasing
Spelling changes
Form Header additions or removals
Custom Header
Enter the new header name to replace the original header.
Click the + of the previous header and enter a name to add a header.
Click Delete
to remove a header.
Click Save.
It is best to edit the form at the start of a calendar month so the trending is not impacted because of the different form versions.
John Smith, the manager at Classics, Inc., uses quality forms to track agent performance trends. He edits the forms at the start of each month. This prevents trend disruption due to form version changes.