Analytics-Based Text Routing

Analytics-based text routing allows you to automatically route incoming text interactions based on dataset, sentimentClosed, frustration, language, priority, or any combination of these factors. The Snippet Studio action can be configured with a script that sends text to the CXone Mpower Analytics-Based Text Routing service, where the content of the text is analyzed and annotated, and then routed to an appropriate agent based on the information provided by the service.

The types of routing supported are:

Term Routing

Interactions can be routed based on the actual product or service mentioned in the text to an agent with the appropriate skill to handle the interaction.

The routing service analyzes the incoming text, identifies the dataset discussed, and returns an annotation of the dataset, such as “Billing Inquiry”.

Category Routing

Interactions can be routed according to your custom categoryClosed rules. The category rules can use the custom company profile terms or they can use regular keywords. The routing service analyzes the incoming text, identifies keywords, and routes the interaction to an agent with the appropriate skill set.

Priority Routing

Interactions from extremely dissatisfied customers can be flagged for priority routing to specially skilled or more senior agents for handling.

The service analyzes the text and uses criteria like extremely negative sentiment, requests for escalation, risk factors (threats to sue and other items that indicate hazard), cursing, and so on, to assign a contact priority.

Overall Sentiment Routing

You can send positive interactions, which are easier to handle, to new or inexperienced agents, and send more sensitive interactions to experienced agents.

The service analyzes the entire interaction and identifies the prevailing overall sentimentClosed for the document, which can then be used for routing. The sentiment can be either positive, negative, neutral, or mixed.

End-of-Interaction Sentiment Routing

You can send positive interactions, which are easier to handle, to new or inexperienced agents, and send more sensitive interactions to experienced agents.

The service analyzes the end of the interaction and identifies the sentimentClosed detected for the end of the document, which can then be used for routing. The sentiment can be either positive, negative, or neutral. End sentiment is determined by the last 30% of an interaction. End sentiment cannot be mixed.

Frustration Routing

Interactions from frustratedClosed contacts can be marked as frustrated so you can route them to agents who can handle those contacts best.

The service analyzes the text on the contact's side for language that indicates frustration and not simply negative sentiment. When frustrated language is detected, the interaction is flagged as "frustrated".

Language ID Routing

Interactions can be routed to an agent with an appropriate language skill.

The service can analyze the interaction and identify the text language, which can then be used for routing.