Evaluations By Section and Question Report

Related Products or Features: Business Intelligence (BI) Reports, CXone Quality Management

Required permissions: Report Viewer, Evaluations By Section And Question

Required Employee Settings: Can View BI Reports

The Evaluations by Section and Question report displays data for agent evaluations, broken down by the sections and questions in a single evaluation form. You can use this information to identify evaluation trends in your organization.

The Evaluations by Section and Question report, with four widgets that show score data for evaluations.

Average Score by Team Widget

The Average Score by Team widget displays the average evaluation score for each team in a bar graph. Scores are shown as percentages.

Average Score by Section Widget

The Average Score by Section widget displays the average score for each section of the evaluation forms. The legend on the right displays the different colors and their corresponding score ranges.

Average Score by Agent Widget

This table displays the average evaluation score for each agent. Scores are shown as percentages. Clicking on an agent in this table will take you to a specialized report focusing on that agent's data. This includes the Question Details widget.

Section and Question Scores Widget

This table displays the average section and question score. Expand a section's row to view a breakdown of the questions in that section, as well as their average scores.

Question Details Widget

When you select an agent in the Average Score by Agent widget, the Question Details widget appears. It displays evaluation data for the specific agent, as well as basic interaction data. Clicking Play Icon of a triangle inside a circle. will play back the interaction and show the evaluation form.