Evaluation Question and Answer Analysis Report

Related Products or Features: Business Intelligence (BI) Reports, CXone Quality Management

Required permissions: Report Viewer, Evaluation Question and Answer Analysis

Required Employee Settings: Can View BI Reports

The Evaluation Question and Answer Analysis report helps you analyze the quality of the questions and answers in an evaluation form. Using this report, you can:

  • Determine whether important questions are impacting the quality score as intended.

  • See if the evaluation form could be revised to align behaviors with overall performance.

John Middleton is a quality manager at Classics, Inc. He wants to check on the questions and answers in the evaluation form he made, called Q1 Assessment. He opens the Evaluation Question and Answer Analysis report, defines a time period, and selects the team assigned to the evaluation. He then selects Q1 Assessment in the Form field. He notices question #3 in Q1 Assessment has a low Answer Count. Because question #3 is a free response question, this means not many agents answered the question. He revises question #3 to be clearer.

Data in this Report

The Evaluation Question and Answer Analysis report has multiple columns that present data attributes and metrics. The table below provides a description for each column. If you click any value in the report, it drills down into different columns.

Column Description
Version Evaluation form version.
Section Section of the evaluation.

Questions in the section. Questions marked with an asterisk * are required or critical.


Answers given for each question.

For multiple choice questions, each answer is given its own row. If the agent selected more than one answer, the selected answers are shown separated by a comma.

For free response questions that allow the agent to enter their own answer, the answer type will be displayed. The possible answer types are:

  • Text answer is given / is not given: A short, single line answer.

  • Text area answer is given / is not given: A long, possibly multiple line answer.

  • Hyperlink answer is given / is not given: An answer with a hyperlink.

  • Datetime answer is given / is not given: An answer with a date and time.

If the answer is edited in the evaluation, it is updated in the report.

Answer Count Number of times the answer was selected. For free response questions, this is the total count of answers.
Answer Representation %

Percentage of evaluators who chose the answer. For example, if 10 evaluators answered the question, and 4 selected the answer Yes, then the Answer Representation % for Yes is 40%.

For free response questions, the Answer Representation % is the percentage of evaluators who entered each answer type. For example, if 10 evaluators took the evaluation, and 7 answered the question with a date and time, then the Answer Representation % for Datetime answer is given is 70%, and the value for Datetime answer is not given is 30%.

Average Eval Score % Average of the evaluation scores for the agents who selected the answer. For free response questions, this value is always N/A.