AI Routing Summary Report

Required permissions:Report Viewer, AI Routing Summary
Required Employee Settings: Can View BI Reports
The AI Routing Summary report shows the improvement AI Routing has on your key focus metrics.
This report is an advanced Business Intelligence (BI) report. For information about general actions you can perform in BI reports, like exporting, grouping data, or drilling down, check out Actions for BI Reports.
You can access this report from Reporting > Prebuilt Reports > General. Select the report from the list, define the report parameters, and click Run Report.

Here are a couple of examples for cases where the AI Routing Summary report could give you useful insights into your organization.

Mr. Collins, an analyst for the Rosings, Inc. contact center, pulls data from the AI Routing Summary report quarterly. His goal is to present the data to management to show the benefit AI Routing provides for the contact center in support of using AI Routing in other campaigns. He looks at the unfiltered data for the quarter and notes the seconds saved. Mr. Collins translates that number into a dollar amount based on the unique cost per second for Rosings, Inc.

Miss Bingley, the administrator of the Netherfield, Inc. contact center, runs the AI Routing Summary report monthly to see the improvement AI Routing is providing for her chosen focus metric, which is average handle time (AHT). She checks the overall improvement to the contact center and then filters the data to check how the AHT has improved in each separate campaign A grouping of skills used to run reports..
Routing Summary: Page 1
Page 1 in the AI Routing Summary report displays the lift from AI Routing and contextual data in 7 different widgets.
AI Routing toggles on and off in short cycles and compares metrics in the on and off period. This allows precise measurements of the lift it is providing.

This widget displays the percent difference in the focus metrics AI Routing is optimizing between periods when AI Routing is on and when AI Routing is off.

This widget displays the raw value difference in the focus metric when AI Routing is on and when AI Routing is off. For example, if AI Routing is optimizing average talk time or average handle time, including ACW State that allows an agent to complete work requirements after finishing an interaction, it displays the number of seconds saved per interaction.

This widget displays the percentage of total interactions—including interactions where AI Routing is off—where AI Routing selects agents to handle the interaction.

This widget displays the total number of calls that are eligible for reporting. It includes all calls with at least 15 seconds of talk time, less than 3 hours of handle time, an agent identifier, and where AI Routing is enabled.

This bar chart provides additional context for the Seconds Saved Per Call widget. It displays the average focus metric outcome for calls in three categories:
On: Calls that occurred when AI Routing was on.
Off: Calls that occurred when AI Routing was off.
Overall: All reportable calls.

This line graph displays the percent lift and influence rate trend over time.

This bar chart displays the number of reportable calls in two categories: calls that occurred when AI Routing was on and calls that occurred when AI Routing was off.
You can filter by focus metrics, date, ACD skills Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, and campaigns to refine the information displayed on this page.