List of Skills Report

Required permissions: Report Viewer, List of Skills
Required Employee Settings: Can View BI Reports
Related Products or Features: Business Intelligence (BI) Reports
The List of Skills report provides an in-depth view of the configuration of ACD skills Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge. When you select a row in the report table, the Historical Data table populates with information about the selected entity. Each row in the Historical Data table displays the entity's details before a modification was made.

This report is an advanced Business Intelligence (BI) report. BI reports allow you to perform actions such as drilling down to more details or grouping and exporting data.
The data for this report refreshes every hour. Date and time are displayed in UTC (GMT time zone).
To access and run this report:
Select the report you would like to run from the list.
Complete the report prompt. The available steps and options will vary for each report.
Click Run.
Note that you cannot use Re-Prompt to make changes to the parameters of this report. There is no report prompt because it includes data for all skills by default. You can filter the report data to change what displays.
For most reports, you can filter the report data using a variety of parameters. You cannot use filters to change certain parameters you selected on the report prompt. However, you can use Re-Prompt to change the parameters of the report.
To change report parameters click Re-Prompt
Edit the parameters you want to change. For example, if you want to change the time period you selected before, set Time Period to the new desired range.
When you are finished changing the report parameters, click Run.
Mr. Collins discovers an error in one of the Classics, Inc. email ACD skills: it has a 3-minute SLA threshold instead of a 3-hour SLA. He fixed the error in that ACD skill, but he wants to verify that no other email ACD skills have the same error. Mr. Collins runs the List of Skills report and filters it by email. He quickly scans the SLA Seconds column and verifies that no other email ACD skills are set incorrectly.
The List of Skills report displays a table with all the ACD skills that meet the filter criteria.
Data in this Report
The List of Skills report has multiple columns that present data attributes and metrics.

Column |
Description |
Campaign ID |
The ID of the campaign assigned to the ACD skill. |
Campaign Name | The name of the campaign assigned to the ACD skill. |
Skill ID | The unique ID assigned to the ACD skill. |
Skill Name | The name of the ACD skill. |
Skill Description | The description written to the ACD skill settings. |
Skill Status | The current status of the ACD skill. |
Skill Notes | The notes written in the ACD skill settings. |
Channel ID |
The ID of the channel assigned to the ACD skill:
Channel Name | The name of the channel assigned to the ACD skill. |
Outbound Skill | Whether the ACD skill is outbound. |
Interruptible | For email ACD skills, whether the ACD skill can be interrupted. |
Time Before Interrupt | For email ACD skills that are interruptible, the minimum duration of an interaction before it can be interrupted. |
Pop Custom Data | Whether the ACD skill has custom screen pops enabled. |
Initial Priority | The base level priority for all fresh records in the ACD skill. |
Acceleration | How quickly the priority of the ACD skill increases. |
Acceleration Function |
Whether the skill is moving up in the queue.
Max Priority | The maximum priority a contact in the ACD skill can have. |
SLA Seconds | The number of seconds agents have to respond to meet SLA![]() |
SLA Percent | The percentage of interactions in the ACD skill required to meet the SLA threshold. |
Use Dispositions | Whether the ACD skill uses dispositions. |
Dispositions Required | If the ACD skill uses dispositions, whether they are required. |
Dispositions Timer | If the ACD skill uses dispositions but they aren't required, how long agents have to set a disposition. |
Email From Address | For email ACD skills, the email address contacts see when they receive an email from the ACD skill. |
Email From Editable | For email ACD skills, whether the Email From Address is editable. |
Voice Caller ID | For voice ACD skills, the phone number contacts see when they receive a call from the ACD skill. |
Use Skill Caller ID | For voice ACD skills, whether the phone number contacts see when they receive a call from the ACD skill is custom for this ACD skill. |
Use ACW | Whether the ACD skill has ACW![]() |
ACW Required | If the ACD skill has ACW configured, whether ACW is required. |
ACW Timer | If the ACD skill has ACW configured but not required, how long agents have to complete the ACW. |
ACW State | The unavailable code applied to the agent while they're completing ACW. |
Short Abandon Threshold | The maximum number of interaction time in seconds that must have occurred for a hangup to be considered a short abandon for this ACD skill. |
Use Short Abandon Threshold | Whether the ACD skill tracks short abandons. |
Include Short Abandons | Whether the ACD skill counts short abandons against the SLA requirements. |
Include Other Abandons | Whether abandoned calls that don't meet the short abandon threshold count against the SLA requirements for the ACD skill. |
Custom Script ID | If the ACD skill uses a custom script, the ID assigned to the script it uses. |
Chat Thank Message | For chat ACD skills with thank you pages enabled, the thank you message that pops up after the chat. |
Display Chat Thank Page | For chat ACD skills, whether thank you pages are enabled. |
Can Download Chat Transcript | For chat ACD skills, whether contacts can download a transcript of the chat. |
Chat From Address | For chat ACD skills with chat transcripts enabled, the email address contacts see when they receive the chat transcript. |
Is Dialer | For outbound voice ACD skills, whether it's a Personal Connection dialer ACD skill. |
Enabled Blending | For voice ACD skills, whether blending of inbound and outbound calls is enabled. |
Chat Thank Pop URL | For chat ACD skills with thank you pop-ups enabled, the URL configured for the pop-up. |
Use Chat Thank Pop URL | For chat ACD skills, whether thank you pop-ups are enabled. |
Email BCC Address | For email ACD skills, any email addresses configured for BCC. |
WFO Count Reskills | Whether the ACD skill is enabled for WFM forecasting. |
WFI Minimum Agents Level | The minimum number of agents that must always be assigned to the ACD skill. |
DNC Group ID | The ID of the DNC group assigned to the ACD skill. |
Created By ID | The ID of the user who created the ACD skill. |
Created By First Name | The first name of the user who created the ACD skill. |
Created By Last Name | The last name of the user who created the ACD skill. |
Created Datetime | The date and time the ACD skill was created. |
Modified By ID | The ID of the user who last modified the ACD skill. |
Modified By First Name | The first name of the user who last modified the ACD skill. |
Modified By Last Name | The last name of the user who last modified the ACD skill. |
Modified Datetime | The date and time the ACD skill was last modified. |
You can filter by campaign ID, ACD skill ID, ACD skill status, channel ID, whether it's an outbound ACD skill, whether the ACD skill uses ACW, and whether ACW is required for the ACD skill to refine the information displayed on this page.