List of Agents Report

Related Products or Features: Business Intelligence (BI) Reports

The List of Agents report is a filterable, in-depth view of all agents in your tenantClosed High-level organizational grouping used to manage technical support, billing, and global settings for your CXone Mpower environment. This report provides a variety of data for each agent, such as personal information, information for their user account and role in your organization, and performance details like refusal timeouts. When you select a row in the report table, the Historical Data table populates with information about the selected entity. Each row in the Historical Data table displays the entity's details before a modification was made.

At the Classics, Inc. contact center, Caroline Bingley hired temporary agents to handle the extra work for the holiday season. Now that the holiday season is over, she has deactivated the user accounts of those seasonal agents. She wants to verify that she has deactivated all the seasonal agent accounts. To do so, Caroline runs the List of Agents report and filters it to only show the team those agents were on. She checks the Agent Status of each agent in the report and verifies that they're all inactive.

The List of Agents report displays a table with all agents who meet the filter criteria.

Data in this Report

The List of Agents report has multiple columns that present data attributes and metrics.

You can filter by team ID, team name, agent ID, employee ID, agent status, and department to refine the information displayed on this page.