CXone Mpower Billing Report

Required permissions: Report Viewer, CXone Mpower Billing
Required employee attribute: Can View BI Reports
Related Products or Features: Business Intelligence (BI) Reports
The CXone Mpower Billing report displays your contact center's billing information. It allows you to drill-down to see a list of the agents you're being billed for. The report contains six tabs:
Real-Time Interaction Guidance
Bot Builder
Digital Foundations
Some of these tabs may not appear, depending on the CXone Mpower products you use.

This report is an advanced Business Intelligence (BI) report. BI reports allow you to perform actions such as drilling down to more details or grouping and exporting data.
The data for this report refreshes every hour. Date and time are displayed in UTC (GMT time zone).
To access and run this report:
Select the report you would like to run from the list.
Complete the report prompt. The available steps and options will vary for each report.
Click Run.
Note that you cannot use Re-Prompt to make changes to the parameters of this report. There is no report prompt because it includes data for all skills by default. You can filter the report data to change what displays.
For most reports, you can filter the report data using a variety of parameters. You cannot use filters to change certain parameters you selected on the report prompt. However, you can use Re-Prompt to change the parameters of the report.
To change report parameters click Re-Prompt
Edit the parameters you want to change. For example, if you want to change the time period you selected before, set Time Period to the new desired range.
When you are finished changing the report parameters, click Run.
Real-Time Interaction Guidance Tab
The Real-Time Interaction Guidance tab displays:
Peak Users by Day: Count of all Real-Time Interaction Guidance (RTIG) users by day. You can click on each bar in the chart to see a list of individual RTIG users. This list includes Agent No., First Name, Last Name, Username, Email, and Login Date formatted as YYYY/MM/DD.
Peak Users: Peak number of RTIG users during the selected time period.
Peak Users Percentage: Percent of RTIG users out of the total number of users.
Max User Limit: Maximum number of RTIG users your organization can have.
Storage Tab
The Storage tab displays:
Storage Usage by Day: Number of gigabytes used per day, broken down into six file type categories:
Call recordings
Chat attachments
Email attachments
Digital attachments
Screen recordings
You can click on each bar in the Storage Usage by Day chart to view gigabytes used by file type. The chart does not display values less than one gigabyte.
Billing Cycle Overview: Gigabyte usage during the billing cycle for the selected time period. The table displays three columns.
Column Description File Type The type of file, such as call recording or chat attachment. GB Usage The number of gigabytes used by that file type. Percentage The percentage of total gigabyte usage used by that file type. -
Peaked Usage: Highest gigabyte usage during the selected time period.
You can switch between the Active and Long Term tabs at the top to view the data in those categories.
The Storage Usage by Day chart displays the File Type legend on the right in ascending alphabetical order, A–Z. However, when you export the data into an Excel spreadsheet, it will appear in descending alphabetical order, Z–A.
Bot Builder Tab
The Bot Builder tab displays:
Bot Sessions by Day: Number of Bot Builder sessions for each date in the selected time period. You can click on each bar in the chart to see which agents used Bot Builder that day.
Bot Sessions by Month: Line graph of the total number of Bot Builder sessions per month. Displays data for the last 11 months, as well as a running count of Bot Builder sessions for the current month.
AutoSummary Tab
The AutoSummary tab displays:
Interaction Summaries: You can view the number of interaction summaries for the selected time period. Widgets show a chart and a graph displaying data by day and by month. This view displays by default. Click Agents Summaries to view agent data instead.
Interaction Summaries by Day: Number of summaries for each date in the selected time period.
Interaction Summaries by Month: Line graph of the total number of summaries per month. Displays data for the last 11 months, as well as a running count of summaries for the current month.
Agents Summaries: You can view the number of agents using AutoSummary for the selected time period. Widgets show a chart and a graph displaying data by day and by month.
Agents Who Received Summaries by Day: Number of agents who used AutoSummary for each day in the selected time period. You can click on each bar in the chart to see the Agent Details table. This table displays a list of individual AutoSummary users for that date. It includes Agent No., First Name, Last Name, Username, Email, and Login Date formatted as YYYY/MM/DD.
Agents Who Received Summaries by Month: Line graph of the total number of agents who used AutoSummary per month. Displays data for the last 11 months, as well as a running count of agents for the current month.
Digital Foundations Tab
The Digital Foundations tab displays:
Messages Summary by Day: You can view the number of message summaries for the selected time period. Widgets show a chart and a graph displaying the number of digital messages sent by day.
Copilot Tab
The Copilot tab displays:
Agent Copilot Sessions by Day: The number of Copilot for Agents sessions for each date in the selected time period.
Total Agent Copilot Sessions: The total number of Copilot for Agents sessions for the selected time period.