Callback Detail Report

This report provides more insight into contacts that experienced a callback state. You can see the number of callbacks by day or month. You can also view callback intervals by ACD skill. This report helps you see how quickly you address callbacks and identify areas to improve.

View Callbacks by Skill Widget

This report includes a doughnut chart that displays the number of callbacks per skill for the time period selected for the report. You can hover over different areas of the chart to see more details.

View Callbacks Over Time Widget

This report includes a line graph displaying how many total callbacks occurred over the time period of the reports. You can choose whether the line graph shows data by Day or Month with the Time Options drop-down.

Callback Intervals by Skill Table

This table displays callback intervals by skill. You can see how long each contact waited for a callback in each skill.

Column Details
Skill Name The skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge through which the contact was delivered to the agent. This only displays if the agent is in an ACD inbound or outbound stateClosed The availability status of an agent.
Skill No The skill ID number. This is a unique value assigned by the system to identify the skill.
Contact Callback Count The total number of callbacks that occurred in that skill for the time period of the report.
Avg Callback Time The average amount of time a contact spent waiting in a callback state before going active with an agent.
< 1 Minute in State The number of contacts that spent less than a minute waiting in a callback state.
1 To < 5 Minutes in State The number of contacts that spent between one and five minutes waiting in a callback state.
5 To < 10 Minutes In State The number of contacts that spent between five and ten minutes waiting in a callback state.
10 To < 20 Minutes in State The number of contacts that spent between ten and twenty minutes waiting in a callback state.
20 To < 30 Minutes In State The number of contacts that spent between twenty and thirty minutes waiting in a callback state.
30 To < 60 Minutes In State The number of contacts that spent thirty minutes to an hour waiting in a callback state.
60 Minutes to < 1 Day in State The number of contacts that spent more than an hour but less than a day waiting in a callback state.
> = 1 Day In State The number of contacts that spent a day or more waiting in a callback state.

Callback Detail Table

This table displays details for each callback such as how long the contact was in a callback state, the skill name, ANIClosed Also known as caller ID. Listed phone number of an incoming voice call., and DNISClosed Identifies the number the contact dialed to reach you for inbound voice calls and the number the agent or system dialed on outbound voice calls..

Column Details
Contact No The contact's unique number assigned by the system.
Callback Date Time The date and time at which the callback occurred. The format for the date is YYYY/MM/DD. The time is displayed in 24-hour format.
Callback Time The length of the callback. It has a format of HH:MM:SS.
Skill Name The skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge through which the contact was delivered to the agent. This only displays if the agent is in an ACD inbound or outbound stateClosed The availability status of an agent.
Skill No The skill ID number. This is a unique value assigned by the system to identify the skill.
ANI The ANIClosed Also known as caller ID. Listed phone number of an incoming voice call. is the phone number that the contact called from.
DNIS The DNISClosed Identifies the number the contact dialed to reach you for inbound voice calls and the number the agent or system dialed on outbound voice calls. is the phone number that the contact dialed to call you.