Agent Contact Performance Report

Related Products or Features: Business Intelligence (BI) Reports

The Agent Contact Performance report displays key CXone Mpower-related metrics for each interaction that your agents handled during the time period you select. This provides in-depth data on agent performance such as the number of calls the agent put on hold or the number of times the agent consulted. The report includes:

Agent Contact Performance Widget

You can select one of four metrics—Agent Contact Duration, Active Time, Handle Time, or Inactive Time—and display accumulated data from all agents as a line graph. The x-axis displays time interval increments, which you can select in the Time Options drop-down. You can also view this data on a per-contact basis in the Agent Performance report table. The table column descriptions are listed below.

Agent Performance Widget

Displays each individual agent's data as a bar chart. You can select your desired metric to display in the Metric Selector drop-down. Data from these metrics is gathered from each contact that the agent handled. You can also view this data on a per-contact basis in the Agent Performance report table. The table column descriptions are listed below.

Key Performance Indicators

Displays these key performance indicators (KPIsClosed An established metric used to measure agent performance) across all agents:

  • Agent Contact Duration

  • Consult Count

  • Conference Count

  • Agent Response Count

  • Focus Count

Agent Performance Table

The Agent Performance table has multiple columns that present data attributes and metrics. Right-click any column in the Agent Performance table to sort the data.