Abandons by Skill Report

Related Products or Features: Business Intelligence (BI) Reports

The Abandons by Skill report shows the total number of times a contact abandoned in each skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge. It also shows how many abandons occurred in each time interval, such as 30 to < 60 seconds, 60 to < 90 seconds, and 2 to < 5 minutes. You can use this report to identify the skill where the most abandons occur, and how long contacts are waiting before reaching an agent.

The Abandons by Skill report groups abandons into abandon types, including prequeue, short, long, outbound, and other.

Data in this Report

The Abandons by Skill report has multiple columns that present data attributes and metrics. The table below provides a description for each column.

Column Description
Campaign Name Name of the campaignClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports. as configured in ACD > Contact Settings > Campaigns.
Campaign No Unique ID number assigned to the campaign.
Skill Name Name of the skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge as configured in ACD > Contact Settings > ACD Skills.
Skill No Unique ID number assigned to the skill.
Channel Name Media typeClosed A medium, such as voice, email, and chat, through which a contact connects with an intended recipient., such as Phone Call or Chat.
Abandon Type

Category associated with the abandon. Options include:

Abandon Count Number of abandons for the skill.
Average Abandon Time Average amount of time contacts in the skill waited before abandoning. Formatted as HH:MM:SS.
Abandons < 30 Seconds Number of contacts in the skill who abandoned after less than 30 seconds of waiting.
Abandons 30 to < 60 Seconds Number of contacts in the skill who waited from 30 to less than 60 seconds before abandoning.
Abandons 60 to < 90 Seconds Number of contacts in the skill who waited from 60 to less than 90 seconds before abandoning.
Abandons 90 to < 120 Seconds Number of contacts in the skill who waited from 90 to less than 120 seconds before abandoning.
Abandons 2 to < 5 Minutes Number of contacts in the skill who waited from 2 to less than 5 minutes before abandoning.
Abandons 5 to < 10 Minutes Number of contacts in the skill who waited from 5 to less than 10 before abandoning.
Abandons >= 10 Minutes Number of contacts in the skill who abandoned after waiting 10 minutes or more.