Analytics Metric Trend Report

The Analytics Metric Trend report helps supervisors or managers to view and analyze trends of analytics metrics over a period of time. The report displays the changes for any analytic metric at the category, team, or agent level.

The report can help you identify any change in the metric trend and view interaction details during the changing trend.

When selecting prompt parameters for this report, you can only select one dataset to analyze at a time.

Clarissa Dalloway manages teams of agents. She wants to analyze trends for certain analytics metrics to see how agents are performing over a period of time.

Clarissa opens the Analytics Metric Trend report and selects the time period of last 30 days. Then she defines the Dataset Name, Channel Type, Teams, and Skills, then clicks Run.

In the report, Clarissa selects the % Positive Client Sentiment from the Metrics list to see data for that metric by team. The report shows the change in trend for teams for the last 30 days. She observes that there is a major trend change on a particular day for Team Billing.

In the line graph, she clicks the trend line to view details for that particular date. She clicks Go to Interaction Details to see details such as channel name and agent name and to play back the interaction.

Metric Over Time Widget

This widget displays a line graph showing the performance for the selected metric over time. There are multiple trend lines. The legend on the right displays the different colors and their corresponding entity. Depending on what you select, it displays the difference in performance by team, agent, or category.

You can hover over the trend line to see details. Clicking on the Go to Interaction Details in the tooltip opens another page.

You can click Day, Week, or Month to change the view of the line graph and see trends in data over different time periods.

By default, the report displays data by Day. The Metric displayed defaults to Total Interactions. The Metric By displays Category Name by default. You can select different metrics and time periods to alter the view of the line graph.

Interaction Details

This page displays analytics statistics on each interaction for the agent.

To open this page, hover over the trend line on the line graph and click Go to Interaction Details.

The page includes the following details for each interaction:

  • The type of interaction.

  • The start time and duration of the interaction, including total length of silence in the interaction.

  • The agent and client sentiment. Possible sentiments:





  • Client frustration level. Possible values:



Click Play to play back the interaction.

This page displays only the recent 1,000 interactions.