Agentless Productivity Report

Use the Agentless Productivity report to forecast and track the success of an agentlessClosed Contacts made without a live agent for tasks such as one-way delivery of information or messages.. ACD skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge based on performance per portsClosed Where information transfers, over a network, between a computer and a server. utilized.

Agentless Productivity is one of the Personal Connection Outbound reports available from the Outbound Report Store.

Data in this Report

The Agentless Productivity report has multiple columns that present data attributes and metrics. The table below provides a description for each column.

Column Description
Date Date of activity.
Start Time the ACD skill was started.
Stop Time the skill was stopped.
Duration Duration of hours that the skill was running.
Ports - min Minimum number of portsClosed Where information transfers, over a network, between a computer and a server. in use during the time period.
Ports - max Maximum number of ports in use during the time period.
Port Hrs Sum of contact time.
Presented Calls presented during the time the skill was running.
p/hr Average presented calls per port hour.
Attempted Calls attempted during the time the skill was running.
p/hr Average attempted calls per port hour.
% Percent of presented calls that were attempted (attempt/presented).
Answered Calls that were answered during the time the skill was running.
p/hr Average number of answered calls per port.
% Percent of attempted calls that were answered (answered/attempted).
Ans Mach Number of answered calls that were dispositioned as answering machines.
p/hr Average number of answering machines per hour.
% Percent of answered calls that were answering machines.
Live Voice Number of answered calls that were defined as live voice.
p/hr Average number of live voice calls per hour.
Positive Number of live calls that had a positive dispositionClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction..
p/hr Average number of positive outcomes per hour.
Amount $ Total amount captured.
p/hr Amount per hour.
Negative Number of negative outcomes per hour.
p/hr Percent of negative outcomes per hour.
Other Number of other outcomes (besides positive and negative).
p/hr Percent of other outcomes per hour.
Followup Number of calls requesting followup (that is, callbacksClosed Holds a customer's place in queue and automatically calls the customer when they move to the front of the queue.).
p/hr Number of followups per hour.
Conv % Conversion rate [(positives/(positives + negatives))].