Categories for Custom Reporting

Categories help you organize your custom report templates. The Category column in your Report Templates table shows which category you applied to the template. You can then sort the table by category.

You can create custom categories. You can also use the system-default categories:

Create Custom Reporting Categories

Required permissions: Custom Reports Categories Create

  1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select Reporting.
  2. Select Categories under ACD Custom Reports.
  3. Click Create New.
  4. Enter a Category Name and click Create Category.

Edit Custom Reporting Categories

Required permissions: Custom Reports Categories Edit

When you create a custom reporting category, you can modify it later by changing its name if needed. System categories are not editable.

Deactivate Custom Reporting Categories

Required permissions: Custom Reports Categories Deactivate

You can deactivate custom reporting categories if they are no longer needed or if you don't want anyone to use them. You can also reactivate those categories if you need them again. When you deactivate a category, you'll need to assign the template to a new category.