Configure Company Profile

Required permission: Interaction Analytics Edit

Interaction Analytics comes out-of-the-box with a set of entity typesClosed Ideas, themes, or concepts relevant to your company and to which entities can belong; for example, 'sound quality' or 'competitor brands'. and entitiesClosed Keyword or phrase defined in your company profile in Interaction Analytics. Related to an entity type. Can include variants.. These entities apply to all user organizations and have been developed by linguists based on analysis of data from many companies. For example, the entity type "poor sound quality" might be indicated by the entity "we have a bad connection."

There are also entities that apply only to your company. Setting up a company profile enables Interaction Analytics to locate and process mentions of your specific entities for the following entity types:

  • Company
  • Brand
  • Product
  • Competitors
  • Competitor Brands
  • Services
  • People
  • Places
  • Industry Terms

Once you configure these custom entities, data analysts and dataset managers can use them with existing and new datasetsClosed Set of parsed interaction transcripts that spans a specific period of time and match your specified filter criteria..

Interaction Analytics can find these custom entities even if they are misspelled, mispronounced, or transcribed incorrectly. To take advantage of this, you must include variations of the entities when you configure the company profile.

In the Company field, Dorothy Gale adds the variant Oz, Land of Oz, Wizard of Oz, Oz Land, and Oz Wizard.

Add Entities to Company Profile

Saved changes to your company profile will only apply to interactions and analysis that occur after the changes were made. You will need to reprocess to apply your changes to previous interactions. When you click Update Data on the Language Profile page, all datasets in your tenantClosed High-level organizational grouping used to manage technical support, billing, and global settings for your CXone Mpower environment are reprocessed and recategorized. This can take several hours to complete. You can monitor the Reprocess Status in the bottom of the left navigation menu in Interaction Analytics.

  1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select Analytics.

  2. Go to Language Profile > Company Profile.
  3. If your company uses more than one language with Interaction Analytics, the language you are currently using appears near the top right of the page. If you need to enter entities in another language, return to the Language Profile page and select a language from the drop-down.
  4. Enter keywords and phrases as custom entities for any entity type: Company, Brands, Products, Competitors, Competitor Brands, and Competitor Products.

    To enter a keyword or phraseClosed Combination of words that have special significance when used together in a specified order, such as "want to cancel"., begin typing and either press Enter or select something from the drop-down of suggestions. For example, Oz is a keyword and Emerald City is a keyword phrase. Phrases are only recognized when all the words in the phrase are present in the order given.

  5. Enter keywords and any variants of the entities you want to include to account for variations in name, mispronunciations, and incorrect transcriptions. Remove any entities from these fields you no longer want to use.

  6. For each entity you've added, configure any variations that will help locate mispronunciations, incorrect transcriptions, or alternate names.

  7. Remove any entities or variations you don't want to appear for this entity type.

  8. Click More Fields to configure additional entity types for your company profile.

  9. Type keywords or phrases for the Services, People, Places, and Industry Terms you want to track.

  10. Click Save.

Add Variations to Custom Entities

  1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select Analytics.

  2. Go to Language Profile > Company Profile.
  3. Click the entity you want to configure variations for.

  4. Click the word Variants in the pop-up.

  5. Click .

  6. Enter a value in the Type a variant name field.

  7. Click to save this variant. You can repeat this step to add more variants for the entity, or repeat the previous steps to add variants to other entities.

  8. When you're finished entering entities and variants on the Company Profile page, click Save.

Delete Entities from Company Profile

You can delete entities from your company profile as long as they're not in use by any datasetsClosed Set of parsed interaction transcripts that spans a specific period of time and match your specified filter criteria.. Interaction Analytics warns you if you delete an entity that's in use by a dataset, but you must remove the entity from the dataset manually. If you don't, the deleted entity remains in the dataset definitions but does not accumulate data.

  1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select Analytics.

  2. Go to Language Profile > Company Profile.
  3. Locate the entity you want to delete and click the X to the right of the entity. If it is not in use, it disappears.

  4. If you receive a warning that the entity is in use:

    1. Click the link in the warning message to open the dataset where the entity appears.

    2. Remove the entity you deleted. You can update the dataset definitions with any new keywords you want to add.
    3. Click Save.

    4. Return to the Company Profile page by clicking Language Profile > Company Profile.
    5. Repeat these steps until you have removed the deleted entity from all affected datasets, then close the message by clicking X in the upper right hand corner.