CXone AppLink
CXone AppLink lets you take advantage of CXone business applications while still using NICE Engage recording connected to any ACD. Use CXone AppLink to import users, media, metadata, and business data from NICE Engage to CXone.
CXone AppLink is not applicable to Engage QM Integrated solutions.
These guidelines are relevant to CXone AppLink users only.
Supported NICE Engage Architectures
CXone AppLink supports these NICE Engage architectures for on-prem and cloud deployments:
NICE Engage standalone
NICE Engage for Multiple Data Center (MDC) environments
NICE Engage with SQL Always On support
NICE Engage for multi-tenant environments (CXone AppLink does not support multiple NICE Engage systems that are connected to a single CXone tenant.)
Importing Users
Creating agents or updating existing agent information, such as name or email, must be done in NICE Engage, not in CXone.
CXone AppLink only imports users from NICE Engage who are defined as agents. All other types of users, such as business users and administrators, must be defined directly in the CXone User Hub. They are not extracted from NICE Engage unless they also have an agent profile. See Employees.
Interactions uploaded from NICE Engage for basic call recording aren't associated with agents listed in CXone.
Interactions with unmapped users from NICE Engage aren't associated with agents listed in CXone.
All agents imported from NICE Engage must have an email address listed in NICE Engage. Agents without an email address are not created in CXone and their calls are not imported.
Users in NICE Engage who are defined with multiple agents are imported into CXone as a single agent.
You can upload teams using the Bulk Employee Upload tool. They are not automatically synchronized with CXone.
Only interactions that contain agent information are imported into CXone.
Importing Business Data
CXone AppLink can import up to 50 business data fields (35 fields with text values, 10 fields with number values, and 5 fields with Boolean values).
After the initial import process, any additional business data fields that are created must be entered manually in both NICE Engage and CXone. Once the fields are created in both systems, you can import the new or updated business data from NICE Engage to CXone via the DEF Server.
Importing Recordings
CXone AppLink only imports calls that were recorded in NICE Engage after CXone AppLink was configured. If you want to import calls that were recorded up to 7 days before the installation, you must inform your CXone Account Representative or DEF Professional Services immediately after the CXone AppLink installation. The support team can import calls from NICE Engage that were recorded up to 7 days before your request. For example, if you make the request 2 days after the CXone AppLink installation, they can import calls recorded up to 5 days before the installation.
Playing Imported Recordings
When playing back imported recordings in CXone, the CXone player does not display pause and resume indications for the recording.
Real- time capabilities, such as Real-Time Monitoring and Real-Time Authentication, are not supported in CXone for CXone AppLink users.
Comments, annotations and categorizations created in NICE Engage are not imported into CXone.
CXone Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) by skill is not supported in CXone for CXone AppLink users.
A Quality Plan by skill cannot be generated in CXone for CXone AppLink users. You can create a Quality Plan according to a business data field if the skill is populated into that field.
You can search for and play back imported recordings in the Interactions application. See Interactions: Search and Playback.
If you want to add a new business data field after the CXone AppLink deployment, you must configure the field manually in both NICE Engage and CXone with the same field name and type. See Business Data.
These are the business data guidelines:
Up to a total of 50 business data fields
35 fields with text values, 10 fields with number values, and 5 fields with Boolean values
Alphanumeric values are acceptable only in text fields
The length limits are:
For a display name field: 128 characters
For a name field: 38 characters
For a string value: between 1 and 4,000 characters
Numerical values must be integers and 4 bytes
Any user that is not defined as an agent in NICE Engage must be configured manually in the CXone User Hub with the relevant role and permissions. See Employees.
Yes. Since NICE Engage continues to record calls from the switch, agents must be maintained in NICE Engage and CXone. Agents should be created, edited, and deleted in NICE Engage and synchronized with CXone.
CXone AppLink only imports calls that were recorded in NICE Engage after CXone AppLink was configured. If you want to import calls that were recorded up to 7 days before the installation, you must inform your CXone Account Representative or DEF Professional Services immediately after the CXone AppLink installation. The support team can import calls from NICE Engage that were recorded up to 7 days before your request. For example, if you make the request 2 days after the CXone AppLink installation, they can import calls recorded up to 5 days before the installation.
Yes. You can adjust the archiving rules and retention (called Life Cycle Management policies in CXone) in each environment as required.
No. The metadata and media are both imported to CXone for CXone Quality Management and Interaction Analytics.
Yes. CXone AppLink uploads data for both segments and complete calls.
The DEF Server does not currently handle post call business data updates.
CXone AppLink supports NICE Engage Release 6.7 and higher, and NICE Engage 7.x versions.
Views, Teams, and Roles and Permissions can be configured for users after they are imported with CXone AppLink.
Yes, you can send out multiple authentication emails in the Bulk Upload Portal. See Bulk Upload Records.