Enlighten Actions Metrics

This section provides an overview of the key metrics supported by Enlighten Actions, applicable for both data and email interactions. You can refer to this information if you have a question that may not be directly addressed by the application.

Metric Description license required
Call Resolved or Not Indicates whether the customer’s issue was resolved during the interaction. Interaction Analytics

Agent CSAT Behavioral Metrics

Measures customer satisfaction (CSAT) based on nine behavioral aspects.

  • Active Listening

  • Acknowledge Loyalty

  • Incorporate Action

  • Be Empathetic

  • Demonstrate Ownership

  • Set Expectations

  • Effective Questioning

  • Promote Self-Service

  • Build Rapport

  • Overall Agent Behavior Score for CSAT Enlighten Model

You can access detailed information for the following nine metrics here.

  • Interaction Analytics Advanced or

    Interaction Analytics Premium and

  • Enlighten CSAT

Customer Sentiment

Captures the customer’s emotional response or attitude toward the interaction.
  • Interaction Analytics Advanced or

    Interaction Analytics Premium

ACD and Digital Metrics For example, Average handle Time, Average Hold Time, Inbound, Outbound.  

Intent or Call Reason

Captures the customer’s emotional response or attitude toward the interaction. You can access detailed information for the metric here.
  • Interaction Analytics Advanced or

    Interaction Analytics Premium


Indicates the result of the interaction, such as successful issue resolution. You can access detailed information for the metric here.
  • Interaction Analytics Advanced or
  • Interaction Analytics Premium

Handle Time

Measures the duration of conversation at the segment level.


All the above information can be requested by teams, skills, or agents as needed.

Data Levels

Enlighten Actions also displays agent contact level data.

Metric Description
Inbound Handled The total number of inbound calls that have been successfully answered.

Avg Handle Time

The average time an agent takes to manage a contact, starting from when they accept the interaction until they finish resolving it.


The number of contacts an agent deals with in a day.
Outbound Handled The total number of outgoing calls that were successfully answered.


The total duration an agent spends not accepting calls.

Handle Time

The duration of a call being handled by an agent.

Avg Hold Time

The average duration that a callers is put on hold during a call with an agent.
Avg ACW Time The average time an agent spends on tasks related to a call after it has ended.
Holds The duration of time a customer waits on hold before an agent comes back to continue the conversation.
Avg Agent FRT The average amount of time (in seconds) between the start of the Agent Contact and the time that the Agent's first message was sent to the customer.
Avg Agent Responses The average number of agent responses per digital contact.
Avg Customer Resp. The average number of customer responses per digital contact.
% Active Time The percent amount of total agent contact time agents spent focusing on digital contacts.

It means when you're viewing data you can see information grouped into segments. It can help you organize and understand data on a more granular level.

Interacting with Enlighten Actions - Sample Questions

This section features a list of sample questions you can ask Enlighten Actions. You can learn how to engage with it and receive answers for supported metrics.

  • What are the top five call reasons based on volume for last week?

  • Show me the lowest 10 agents based on CSAT for last week?

  • Show me 10 call reasons that have the lowest CSAT?

  • Show me 10 agents with lowest after call work?

  • Show me bottom 10 performing agents based on being empathetic to customers?

  • Show me bottom 10 performing agents for actively listening behavior?

  • What are the top 10 outcomes based on volume for the past week?

  • Who are my top 10 agents for number of calls resolved?

  • Show me 10 skills that had the most average handle time?

Knowledge Article

  • Create a new knowledge article with instructions to set up an online account.

  • Create a new knowledge article with instructions to set automatic payment

  • Create a new knowledge article with instructions to cancel an order

  • Create a new knowledge article with instructions to schedule an appointment