
Bots are often used to collect a few pieces of information from a customer. Using full storiesClosed Used to train bot for interaction handling based on intent and context or rulesClosed Used to define bot's response to messages that don't change with context. for this type of conversation can be inconvenient. Forms simplify the process of filling slots to provide a smoother experience.

Akela notices that her bot is receiving multiple requests each day from customers wanting to change their address. This is not something her bot is currently set up to do, so customers were getting frustrated. Rather than write out a complete and entirely new story or rule to handle address changes, Akela decides to build a form, then create a rule for her bot to deliver the form. This simplifies the process for the bot and for customers.

You need to create a form, then activate it in a story or rule. Advanced configuration is required to handle more complex situations, like interruptions or specific database search queries.

Form-Based Bot Conversations

The bot uses intentsClosed The meaning or purpose behind what a contact says/types; what the contact wants to communicate or accomplish to determine when a form is needed. Once a form is triggered by an intent, the bot starts to ask questions to fill slots in that specific form. The bot continues to ask the questions until it fills all slots in that form. This is true even if something interrupts the conversation, such as a question from the customer. The bot will pause to answer the question, then return to the form loop to continue filling the slots.