Tips for Searching the Digital Inbox in MAX

You can use the Search field in the MAX digital channels inboxClosed Area where cases appear in the digital interaction workspace in an agent application to locate a specific customer (contact), caseClosed The full conversation with an agent through a channel. For example, an interaction can be a voice call, email, chat, or social media conversation., threadClosed A social media thread stems from one original post. A post can result in multiple threads from various contacts., or message. You can narrow your search with a few filtering options. For example, you can choose a channel to limit your search to cases in that channel. You can also use queries to bring up specific results.

Searching is an optional feature. Depending on how your administrator has set up the feature, your types of search or search results may be limited. For example, you may be able to search for messages but not contacts, or you may only get results for certain channels. If you don't see the Search field in your digital inbox, your administrator has disabled the search option.

Filtering Options to Narrow Your Search

You can narrow your search by using one or more of the filtering options on the tab you are searching. Not all filtering options are available for every type of search.

Search terms and filtering options combine. The more terms and options you provide, the fewer interactions will match your search. For example, lost banana will match a longer list of interactions than lost banana combined with filtering options that limit the channelClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on. to Facebook and the status to Resolved.

Filtering Option Details Available for
Search Type
Agent The agent who sent a message. Messages

The MAX user a caseClosed The full conversation with an agent through a channel. For example, an interaction can be a voice call, email, chat, or social media conversation. or customer (contact) is assigned to. For cases, you can choose: 

Mowgli takes a new case from the queue. He is now the inbox assignee for the case. The case doesn't yet have an owner assignee. When Mowgli finishes his response, he closes the case's tab, ending the interaction. The case now shows Mowgli as the owner assignee. The case doesn't have an inbox assignee until the next day when Hathi opens the case and sends a message to update to the contact. Hathi is the inbox assignee, but Mowgli is still the owner assignee. When Hathi closes the case's tab, he becomes the owner assignee.

Cases, Customers
Channel The channel the interaction is associated with. Includes voice and digital channels. Cases, Messages, ThreadsClosed A social media thread stems from one original post. A post can result in multiple threads from various contacts.
Date Created, Days, Date Indicates a date or range of dates. Cases, Messages, Threads
Engaged Select to identify contacts that are waiting for responses. Customers
Facebook Select to find contacts who have contacted your organization with Facebook. Customers
Has Note Select to narrow your search to contacts that have notes added to their customer cards. Customers
Influencers Select to limit your search to contacts that your organization has identified as are social media influencersClosed People on social media with established reputations and large followings who can impact the opinions and actions of their audiences.. Customers
Read Status A set of statuses that indicate if the message has been read. Messages
Relevance A set of filtering options you can use to narrow your search. The options, shown in the next table, vary depending on the search type. Customers
Resolution Time The time when the case status was changed to Resolved. Use this option to sort the cases that match the filtering options. You can choose it by clicking the text next to the sorting icon. Cases
Routing Queue

Select the routing queueClosed Digital First equivalent of a skill; routes each contact to an agent assigned to handle that type of contact that contains the cases you want to search.

Sentiment The sentiment applied to an interaction. Messages
Status The current status of the interaction. Cases
Tag A set of tags available for applying to cases or messages. The available tags vary. Each organization creates tags to meet its needs. Cases, Messages
Twitter Select to find contacts who have contacted your organization with Twitter. Customers

Relevance Filtering Options

The options in this table are available in the Relevance drop-down list. You can find this list on the Customers tab when searching in MAX.

Field Details
First Name Select to search using the contact's first name.
Inbound Posts Select to limit your search to posts made by contacts to your organization.
Newest Select to show the newest posts first.
Oldest Select to show the oldest posts first.
Outbound Posts Select to limit your search to posts agents have made to contacts.
Surname Select to search using the contact's last name.

Refine Your Search

To Do This Enter Your search like this
Search for an exact match

Put a word or phrase inside quotation marks. 

For example: "lost banana" will match lost banana but not lost yellow banana

Include all words from your search

Put AND or a space between each word you want to include.

For example: lost AND banana will match any interaction that contains both lost and banana.

Broaden your search

Put OR between each word in your search.

For example: lost OR banana will match any interaction that contains either lost or banana as well as any interaction that contains both terms.

Exclude words

Put NOT or a minus sign to exclude words.

For example: lost NOT banana will match any interaction that contains lost but not banana. Any interaction that also contains banana will not be a match.

Use multiple operators

AND, OR, and NOT are operators. When using more than one operator, put parentheses around the words you want to group with each operator.

For example: (lost AND banana) NOT monkey will match any interaction that includes lost and banana. It will exclude any interaction that also contains monkey.

Search for wildcards, unknown words, or partial words

Put an asterisk in the word or phrase as a placeholder or wildcard.

For example: ban* will match banana, banter, bannister, ban, and so on.

Use special characters

To include the following special characters and symbols in your search, place them in quotation marks: = & |> < { } [ ] ^ ~ ? : \ /

For example: banana"/"plantain will match any interaction that includes banana/plantain.

Search for custom fields

To find cases that include or exclude specific custom fields, type customField followed by the Ident of the custom field in brackets [ ]. Then enter the result you are looking for.

For example:

  • customField[favorite_animal] = panther displays results where the custom field was completed with panther. You can also use IN instead of = for these results.
  • customField[favorite_animal] NOT IN (bear, orangutan, wolf) displays results where the custom field was completed with anything except bear, orangutan, or wolf. You can also use != instead of NOT IN for these results.
  • customField[google_rating] > 4 displays results where the custom field was completed with numbers greater than 4.

Supported Queries

Query Details

ownerAssignee IS


For completed interactions. The agent the interaction was assigned to.

inboxAssignee IS


For active interactions. The agent the interaction is currently assigned to.
caseId= The unique ID number of an interaction. If you select this query, you must search for the entire ID number, not just some numbers in it.
threadId= The unique ID number of a thread. If you select this query, you must search for the entire ID number, not just some numbers in it.
threadIdOnExternalPlatform= The unique ID number of a thread on its social media platform. If you select this query, you must search for the entire ID number, not just some numbers in it.
content= The content of the interaction.
title= The title given to the interaction.
status= The interaction's statusClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction..
author= The person who wrote the message in the interaction.
AND Apply AND logic to your search. For example, author=Elinor Dashwood AND status=closed returns interactions that have a status of Closed where Elinor Dashwood wrote a message.
OR Apply OR logic to your search. For example, author=Elinor Dashwood OR status=closed returns interactions where Elinor Dashwood wrote a message or interactions that have a status of Closed.


inboxAssigneeAgentId IS

For active interactions. The unique ID number of the agent the interaction is currently assigned to. If you select this query, you must search for the entire ID number, not just some numbers in it.

ownerAssigneeAgentId =

ownerAssigneeAgentId IS

For completed interactions. The unique ID number of the agent the interaction was assigned to. If you select this query, you must search for the entire ID number, not just some numbers in it.


skillId IS

The unique ID number of the interaction's skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge. If you select this query, you must search for the entire ID number, not just some numbers in it.
skillId IN

The unique ID number of the interaction's skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge. If you select this query, you must search for the entire ID number, not just some numbers in it. The search query includes all interactions associated with the skill ID you enter in your search.

skillId NOT IN The unique ID number of the interaction's skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge. If you select this query, you must search for the entire ID number, not just some numbers in it. The search query excludes all interactions associated with the skill ID you enter from your search.
customField[<ident>] Lets you search for a digital custom field. You must insert the custom field's ident value inside the brackets. You can find the ident value in the custom field's settings (ACDDigitalCustom Fields > {select a custom field} > ident). For example, if the ident field is short_description, you could search for the following: customField[short_description]="Software".

Any custom queries configured by your administrator also appear.