Manage Custom Fields
Custom fields allow you to collect data from your contacts. The data can be about them or about the issue they are having. For example, you may have a custom field to collect a contact's email address and a separate custom field that displays the reason they are contacting you. Custom fields can display this information to agents while they are working on the case. This helps the agent know how to help the contact more specifically.
You can create custom fields for customer cards or for cases.
Create Custom Fields for Customer Cards
Information collected with custom fields appears on the customer card. Information that's gathered during case handling is also associated with the customer card. This means that when a new case opens for the same contact, agents can see all existing information about them on the customer card. In this way, agents can build a more personal relationship with repeat contacts.
You can also use customer card custom fields in other ways with Studio scripts using the CC Custom Fields action.
When you set up an authentication message template in an Apple Messages for Business channel, those also appear as options for custom fields that agents can send to contacts.
Agents need to know when they're working on a case for a new contact so they can handle it with special care. Agents should build a strong foundation with new contacts to give the best experience possible. This may include offering special pricing or using a specific strategy in the interaction.
Mowgli Kipling, the contact center administrator, uses routing sub-queues for these cases. He creates a custom field called New. Agents can select True or False from the field drop-down if they learn their contact is new. In the future, they can quickly see if the contact is new or returning and adjust their handling of a case accordingly.

This example of a customer card uses three custom fields:
- Preferred phone (text field)
- Email address (email field)
- My Style (drop-down list field with custom choices)

- Click the app selector
and select ACD.
Go to Digital > Custom Fields.
- Click Create new custom field for Customer Card.
- Enter an Ident for the field. This is the internal name that's used in the database. If you intend to use this custom field in Studio, this value cannot have any special characters except hyphens (-) or underscores (_).
- Enter a Label for the field. This is the external name that shows in the customer card details.
From the Type drop-down, select the type of field you want: Text, Email, or Drop down list.
Learn more about these field types
Text Allows the person completing the field to enter free-form text. E-mail
Requires that the data entered fit the format of an email address. Digital Experience does not validate the address, just the formatting.
Drop down list Allows you to provide options for the person completing the field to select.
Enter the options you want to make available to the user in the field that appears. Put each option on a separate line. Use the format value | label for each option.
Click the sliders for the Is visible in right panel, Is editable, or Is visible in customer card options to enable them.
Learn more about optional custom field parameters
Field Details Is visible in right panel
When enabled, this field and its values are visible to agents when they view the details of a post
A social media thread stems from one original post. A post can result in multiple threads from various contacts. or message. You may not want to make all fields visible to agents if they contain personal information.
Is editable When enabled, values in this field can be changed by the contact, an agent, or an automated process. If you plan to use this field in Studio, you must enable this parameter. Is visible in customer card Makes a field and its values display in the customer card detail view. - Click Save.
Create Custom Fields for Cases
Custom fields for digital cases are visible in the case The full conversation with an agent through a channel. For example, an interaction can be a voice call, email, chat, or social media conversation. information. You can also create custom fields that agents use to collect information. For example:
- If you use Digital Experience chat channels
A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on., you can customize the precontact survey form with custom fields. The precontact survey appears before the conversation begins and contains fields for the contact to complete. The information gathered in these fields is then displayed to the agent as part of the case.
- You can create custom fields and populate them with values. The values can come from the contact entering them in your IVR
Automated phone menu that allows callers to interact through voice commands, key inputs, or both, to obtain information, route an inbound voice call, or both. or from a CRM
Third-party systems that manage such things as contacts, sales information, support details, and case histories.. The values can also come from some other source using the CC Custom Fields action in your Studio scripts.
- You can create a custom field for agents to use to collect certain information from the customer while handling the case. For example, you might want agents to collect contacts' email addresses, so you would create an custom field that appears in the case details that agents can see.
- Click the app selector
and select ACD.
Go to Digital > Custom Fields.
- Click Create new custom field for Case.
- Enter an Ident for the field. This is the internal name that's used in the database. It must be all lowercase with no spaces. You can use an underscore character (_) to represent spaces.
- Enter a Label for the field. This is the external name that shows in the case
The full conversation with an agent through a channel. For example, an interaction can be a voice call, email, chat, or social media conversation. details or on the precontact survey form.
- Enter a Label Translation Key for the field. When used by components like Guide that have their own translation database, this key is used to look up the translation for the custom field label in the UI. When used with stand-alone chat, the translation must be provided during the initialization using the JavaScript API command setCustomTranslations.
- Enter an Aria Label Translation Key for the field. When used by components like Guide that have their own translation database, this key is used to look up the translation for the Aria label attribute used by screen readers. When used with stand-alone chat, the translation must be provided during the initialization using the JavaScript API command setCustomTranslations.
In the Type drop-down, select from: Text, Email, Drop down list, Hierarchical, or Date picker.
Learn more about these field types
Text Allows the person completing the field to enter free-form text. E-mail
Requires that the data entered fit the format of an email address. Digital Experience only validates the formatting. It doesn't validate the email addresses that users enter.
Drop down list Allows you to provide a list of options for the person completing the field to select from.
If you select this field type, in the Type values field you must enter the label translation key and Aria label Translation key in the following format: value|label|labelTranslationKey|ariaLabelTransletionKey.
Hierarchical Typically used with precontact survey forms. Hierarchical fields let the contact zero in on a specific product, problem, or other need. If you select this type, you will have an additional step to create the hierarchical structure after you save the custom field.
When someone contacts The Jungle, a subsidiary of Classics Inc., they usually need help with one of the animals in the jungle. The contact center administrator, Mowgli Kipling, uses hierarchical fields in the precontact survey form to narrow their choices to Reptiles or Mammals. Then, he can narrow it down within Mammals to Cats, Monkeys, or Bears. And finally, he can narrow it within Cats to Shere Khan or Bagheera.
Date picker Allows contacts to select a date. This means form messages could be used to schedule appointments or collect other information such as a contact's birthday. For the Date input type select one of the following:
Absolute: Requires the selection of an exact date from the calendar. This can be helpful for things like scheduling appointments or retrieving personal information like a birthday.
Relative: Requires a value that signifies a number a days relative to when the contact is filling out the form. Values must start with + or - and a number between -9999 and -1 or +1 and +9999. For example, you could enter +2 to indicate two days from the current date. This can be helpful for things like determining general availability or how long it's been since a previous service.
Configure the following fields:
Minimum Date: The earliest date option a contact can select. The Minimum Date must be less than or equal to the Start Date and the Maximum Date.
Maximum Date: The latest date option a contact can select.
Start Date: The date that displays by default in the form message when the contact opens it. For example, the default option could display the current date or something like +0. The Start Date must be between the Minimum Date and the Maximum Date.
Configure the Autocomplete attribute. Enter any fields you want to suggest auto-fill options for. For example, you may want users to be able to select an auto-fill suggestion for their name, address, phone number, and so on.
You can enable any of the additional parameters for the field by using the toggles.
Learn more about fields in this step
Field Details Required When enabled, this field must be completed for every case. Is visible in post detail
When enabled, this field and its values are visible to agents when they view the details of a post
A social media thread stems from one original post. A post can result in multiple threads from various contacts. or message. You may not want to make all fields visible to agents if they contain personal information.
Is editable When enabled, values in this field can be changed by the contact, an agent, or an automated process. - Click Save.
- If you selected Hierarchical for the field Type, set up the hierarchical items:
- Click Edit items.
- Click Create value for custom field.
- For the first item, skip the Parent ID field.
Enter a Value that will appear to the contact on the pre-chat form.
- Enter a Label for the field. This is the external name that shows in the case
The full conversation with an agent through a channel. For example, an interaction can be a voice call, email, chat, or social media conversation. details or on the precontact survey form.
- Enter a Label Translation Key for the field.
- Enter an Aria Label Translation Key for the field.
- Click Save.
- To create another top-level value, repeat the previous four steps. To create a child value, click Add item for the field value you just created, enter a Value, and click Save.
- Repeat these steps until you have added all values for the field.
Restore Deleted Custom Fields
You can view and restore deleted custom fields for cases The full conversation with an agent through a channel. For example, an interaction can be a voice call, email, chat, or social media conversation. and customer cards. These include any historical data associated with the custom field. This is helpful for cases in which applications expect a specific custom field name.
- Click the app selector
and select ACD.
- Go to Digital > Custom Fields.
- Click View Deleted Custom Fields.
- Click Restore next to the custom field you want.