Embed Guide on Your Website

You must embed the Guide JavaScript code on each page of your website that you want to display the Guide engagement rules you created.

  1. Click the app selector and select ACD.
  2. Go to DFO > Points of Contact Digital.
  3. Under Your Channels, click Website Script. A page appears with JavaScript code that is specific to your tenant.
  4. Click Copy to clipboard to copy the code.

  5. Paste this code into the header of each webpage on which you want to display a Guide template or proactive offer.

    Alternatively, if your website is integrated with a tag manager, you can use that to run the website script.

Setting the Language to Use for Guide

To override any browser language settings and force Guide visitors to see content in a specific language, modify the embed script. Add the locale parameter to the init command at the end of the script and specify the desired language. For example, you can set this to French as follows:

cxone('init', 'XXXX');
cxone('guide','init', {locale: 'fr-fr'​});

Note that content you write in a proactive offer still appears in the language in which it was written. This assumes that you have set up the Guide translation strings for French.

Disabling Tracking

To use date and time or agent availability conditions but not use web tracking, add the following JavaScript API command to the embed script:

cxone('disableModule', 'analytics')

Website Best Practices

  • Do not use the !important parameter in CSS for generic elements on your website. If you do, your website CSS can leak into Guide and change its design.

  • Do not overwrite basic JavaScript functions on your website. If you do so, Guide may not work properly.

  • You can customize the appearance and behavior of Guide by using JavaScript APIs.