Manage Bids

Generated bids are displayed in the Bidding Manager. Information regarding the generated bids is displayed in the Bidding Manager grid, allowing supervisors to keep track of the response rate and status of the bids, as well as to open, close or cancel bids.

Supervisors can select any of the generated bids in the Bidding Manager to see the available patterns.



Scheduling Unit The name of the scheduling unit assigned to the generated bid.
Bidding Date Range

The dates of the shifts in the generated pattern.

A Bidding Date Range of Apr-3-2017 - Apr-9-2017, means the employees will be bidding on the shifts that occur during those days.

Job Date The date that the bid was generated.
Response Rate The percentage of the employees assigned to the bid that have submitted bids.

Possible statuses:

Bid open: The weekly shift templates have been sent to employees and bidding is currently open in progress.

Bid close: Bidding is completed and has been closed. Employees can no longer bid.

Draft: A generated bid that has not been opened for bidding yet.

Canceled: A bid that was opened and then canceled. Employees can no longer bid.


Available actions include:

Open Bid: This button appears when the generated bid is a Draft.

Close Bid: This action becomes enabled once bidding has been opened.

Assign Shifts: This action becomes enabled once bidding has been closed. Click this action to assign the shifts based on the bids made by agents. The shifts will appear in the Scheduling Manager.


Cancel: Cancels bidding without deleting the generated bid.

To manage bids:

  1. CXone WFM.

  2. Go to SchedulingClick the app selector and select Bidding Manager.

  3. Click Open Bid in the Action column of the bid.

  4. Once all of your agents have submitted their bids, click Close Bid to close the bidding.

  5. Click Assign Shifts to generate a schedule based on your agents' bids.

  6. Go to the Schedule Manager to view the generated schedule. Click Publish to send the schedules to the agents.