
This help page is for Studio. This information is also available for Desktop Studio.

Allows you to set up multiple custom branches based on the value of the action's Variable property.

For example, the Case action might be used in a chat script where the chat window presents a pre-chat form to the contact. From a drop-down on the form, the contact chooses from a list of products to chat about. The products are set up as variables in the Begin action for the script, and the Case action is then used to set up different branches depending on the product the contact selected.

There is no limit to the number of branches that can be used in a single Case action.


  • For every possible variable value, you must create a custom branch condition.
  • Always connect the Default branch of the Case action. This is particularly important if the variable in the Variable property might sometimes hold a different or unexpected value. Connecting the Default branch gives the script a way to handle unexpected values.

Supported Script Types

A square with a line branching from it that goes to three other squares.


Email Chat Phone Voicemail Work Item SMS Digital

Input Properties

These properties define data that the action uses when executing.



Add Caption

Enter a short phrase that uniquely identifies this action in the script. The caption appears on the script canvas under the action icon.

Variable The name of the variable you want CASE to pull the value from.

Result Branch Conditions

Result branch conditions allow you to create branches in your script to handle different outcomes when an action executes.



Default Path taken unless the script meets a condition that requires it to take one of the other branches. It is also taken if the action's other branches are not defined.
Add Custom Condition Paths created and taken when connecting to secondary actions using Variable Branch Conditions. Click the ellipsis to open the ConnectView Collection Editor to customize these branches. When creating the custom condition, the name of the condition must be the Variable value that triggers the script to follow this branch.

Script Example

This is an example to show how this action can be used in scripts. It is not intended to be a complete script. Additional scripting may be required.

In this example, Case is connected to three different Runscript actions. If a call comes in with a DNISClosed Identifies the number the contact dialed to reach you for inbound voice calls and the number the agent or system dialed on outbound voice calls. of 8881234567, then the Sales Runscript action runs a designated subscript. If the DNIS is 8771234567, then the Collections Runscript action runs a different script. Finally, if call does not come in on either of those DNIS numbers, the Customer Service Runscript action triggers a subscript.

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