List of Unavailable Codes Report

Related Products or Features: Business Intelligence (BI) Reports

The List of Unavailable Codes report is a filterable, in-depth view of all unavailable codes, both default and custom, for your contact center. When you select a row in the report table, the Historical Data table populates with information about the selected entity. Each row in the Historical Data table displays the entity's details before a modification was made.

The List of Unavailable Codes report displays a table with all the unavailable codes that meet the filter criteria. You can filter the data in this report by ACW or status.

Data in this Report

The List of Unavailable Codes report has multiple columns that present data attributes and metrics. The table below provides a description for each column.



ID The unique ID assigned to each unavailable code.
Name The name of the unavailable code.


Whether the unavailable code is set to active or inactive.


Whether the unavailable code can be used with ACW or not. The field format is either TRUE or FALSE.
Created By ID The ID of the user who created the unavailable code.
Created By First Name The first name of the user who created the unavailable code.
Created By Last Name The last name of the user who created the unavailable code.
Created Datetime The date and time the unavailable code was created.
Modified By ID The ID of the user who last modified the unavailable code.
Modified By First Name The first name of the user who last modified the unavailable code.
Modified By Last Name The last name of the user who last modified the unavailable code.
Modified Datetime The date and time the unavailable code was last modified.