Interaction Analytics Reports

Business Intelligence (BI) reports for Interaction Analytics enable you to review data related to interactions.

The data for these reports is refreshed every hour.

See each report for the permissions you need enabled to use it. Access the reports from Reporting > Prebuilt Reports.

For information about general actions you can perform in BI reports, like exporting, grouping data, or drilling down, check out Actions for BI Reports.



Report Type

Analytics Metric Statistics Report Displays analytics metric statistics to allow supervisors or managers to follow up on agents' performance to improve customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. Agent/Teams
Analytics Category Statistics Report Displays analytics category statistics to allow supervisors or managers to follow up on agents' performance to improve customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. Agent/Teams
Analytics Metric Trend Report Displays analytics metric trends for teams and agents. Agent/Teams
Analytics Metric Comparison Report Displays analytics metric data for different time periods to analyze and compare. Agent/Teams

You can learn more about these reports by watching a short video training.