Agent Refusal Report

Required permissions: Data Download

The Agent Refusal data download report displays information about contacts that agents refused, including the agent ID and name, the station used, if any, the reason for refusal, and the date and time the refusal occurred.

An example of the Agent Refusal data download report output.

Select Report Option

You need to configure a Date Range, Start/End Time, and Export Format when you run a data download report.

Data in this Report


The unique, system-generated ID of the contact.


The unique, system-generated ID of the agent who handled the interaction. If more than one agent handled the contact, it is the ID of the last agent to handle the contact.


The first and last name of the agent who refused the contact.


The unique, system-generated ID of the agent station.


A brief description of the circumstances behind the agent's refusal of the contact. It could be that the notification timed out before the agent could accept the contact, an error occurred, or the agent chose to refuse the contact.

The Refusal Reasons section of this page contains descriptions of each possible Reason.


The date and time when the agent refused the contact. It follows the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM, 24-hour time.

Refusal Reasons

Refusal Reason Meaning
Bad Number

The telephone network cause code indicates the called number is no longer in service or is temporarily unavailable.

Possible cause codes: 1, 16, 31, 253

Resolution: If you see this refusal reason, first check the validity of the number the agent used to log in. To do so, go to Admin > Employees, open the agent's profile, and click the Login History tab.

If the number appears to be valid, check the format of the Global Caller ID set for your business unitClosed High-level organizational grouping used to manage technical support, billing, and global settings for your CXone environment. The agent legClosed The portion of an interaction that takes place between CXone and the agent. is always initiated from the CXone ACD, which uses your Global Caller ID as the ANIClosed Also known as caller ID. Listed phone number of an incoming voice call. for calls to the agent’s phone. An invalid Global Caller ID could also result in routing issues depending on the carrier used to connect the agent leg.

If the Global Caller ID format is also valid, you can contact your CXone Account Representative.


CXone detected a busy signal or the telephone network cause code indicated the phone or network was busy. Possible cause codes: 17, 34, 46, 254

Resolution: If the agent is using a physical phone, they may have been using it for a non-CXone call when the attempt to deliver a call happened. The agent likely forgot to set their state to Unavailable before making or receiving the non-CXone call. This refusal reason could also mean you have no available ports on a circuit or the platform. For outbound calls, it is most likely that the line was busy on the number dialed.

ContactAlreadyRouted CXone tried to route the call to an agent after the ACD already delivered it to a different agent.
Error The delivery of the call to the agent was not successful due to a telephone network issue. This is determined by a variety of cause codes that are returned to the platform from the telephone network that indicate the call terminated but was not answered. Possible cause codes: 2, 3, 4, 8, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 38, 39, 43, 47, 58, 62, 63, 69, 70, 79, 84, 85, 88, 90, 102, 111, 251, 252

Resolution: The most common cause of this issue is with the physical phone or potentially the phone provider. It may require some validation from the platform.

Invalid Call Leg One of the call legsClosed The portion of an interaction that takes place between CXone and the agent. dropped or hung up at the moment the call was being delivered to the agent. This means the call was successfully linked but during the window of time as the whisper or zip tone was being played, the agent canceled or hung up the phone. This issue has two possible causes: 1) Latency delays the linking of the call after call delivery. The agent mistakes this for dead air and hangs up, or 2) The Phone # Timeout in the business unit settings or Station Timeout in the station profile settings has the same value as ACWClosed State that allows an agent to complete work requirements after finishing an interaction time for a skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge.

The platform was able to initiate a call to the agent over the telephone network and the call was not answered within 45 seconds, depending on the individual refusal timeout, or that one of several specific cause codes were received before the call was answered.

Possible cause codes: 18, 19, 41, 127, 246

Resolution: The platform was able to establish a connection to the agent's phone network and attempt to deliver the call. The most common causes are the agent not changing the state to unavailable before stepping away, and connectivity issues, including delay.


The media server was unable to link the caller and the agent. This should be a fairly uncommon event; it should only occur when there are unusual conditions that prevent this operation from being performed.

Resolution: A 'linked' condition occurs when the agent line and caller line are physically connected, or the call goes into an active state. Because the failure of this process is rare, it requires troubleshooting to determine the cause.


One of the call legsClosed The portion of an interaction that takes place between CXone and the agent. dropped or hung up at the moment the call was being delivered to the agent. This means the call was successfully linked but during the window of time as the whisper or zip tone was being played, the agent can cancel or hang up the phone and cause this condition.

Resolution: The call was successfully delivered to the agent but the agent hung up before the call was linked to the caller. This occurs any time the agent leg disconnects from the platform when a call is routing. The issue has two possible causes: 

  • Latency delays the linking of the call after call delivery, giving the agent the perspective of dead air, or the agent's phone disconnecting from the platform at the time a call is being delivered. The former occurrence can often be recognized by how long it takes for the agent to hear the zip tone.
  • Most commonly this occurs automatically and frequently when the Phone # Timeout or Station Timeout set in the station profile has the same time specified as the ACWClosed State that allows an agent to complete work requirements after finishing an interaction for a particular skill.

Linking to the agent is a process that requires that an agent be selected, a call placed, and that call answered before the NoAnswer Timeout expires, which is set to 45 seconds. If the system is unable to call the agent, receive an answer, and link the agent to the caller in 45 seconds or less, then an AgentLinkTimeout occurs. This is a relatively uncommon event.

Resolution: If you were not able to receive an acknowledgment in response to an invite in regards to SIP messaging, this refusal type will usually occur after 60 seconds. Typically this indicates a failure to connect to the agent's phone system or provider.

N/A This is currently a catch all classification for a refusal. Calls are still be redirected to another agent occurs for other refusals.
(Zero) 0 Cause Code This is usually given by the router when none of the other codes apply. This cause usually occurs in the same type of situations as cause 1, 88, and 100.
AgentCancelled The agent selected Reject when a contact was routed to them. This applies to any media typeClosed A medium, such as voice, email, and chat, through which a contact connects with an intended recipient..
InvalidCallLeg This is a system refusal that occurs when the system cancels an interaction. For example, if a contact requests a callback, but then later calls back to the same point of contactClosed The entry point that an inbound contact uses to initiate an interaction, such as a phone number or email address., using the same phone number, the system automatically cancels the scheduled callback. When this occurs, it displays as a refusal.

Cause Codes

Cause Codes Description
-1 Default. The system did not get a cause code or cannot determine the cause code.


The caller disconnected the call.


Check number, redial (unallocated number)

The called party cannot be reached because the called party number is in a valid format but is not currently allocated, or assigned.


No route to network /Prefix 0 dialed in error

The equipment sending this cause does not recognize the transit network in the routing request. This may be because the transit network does not exist or because that particular transit network exists but does not serve the equipment sending the cause.


The prefix "0" is invalid for the entered number.


No route to dest./Prefix 1 dialed in error

The called party cannot be reached because the network through which the call has been routed does not serve the desired destination. This cause is supported on a network-dependent basis.


A "1" was dialed when not required. Redial without the "1".


No prefix 1/Special Information Tone

The prefix "1" is not required for this number


The called party cannot be reached, the reason is long-term in nature, and the special information tone was returned to the calling party.


Misdialed trunk prefix (National use)

A trunk prefix was erroneously included in the called party number.


Channel unacceptable

A called user cannot negotiate for a B-channel other than that specified in the SETUP message.


Call awarded and being delivered on an established channel

The user has been awarded the incoming call, and that call is being connected to a channelClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on. already established to that user for similar calls. Examples might include packet-mode, X.25 virtual calls, and so on.


Call is proceeding/Preemption

Call in process, please standby.


Call has been preempted.


Preemption, reserved

A call has been preempted due to the circuit being reserved for reuse.


Excess digits received, call is proceeding

More digits were dialed than expected. Called number has been truncated to the expected number.



Normal release of a contact and is always expected for interactions. A caller may hang up or otherwise disconnect the call, or the agent may disconnect the contact through the agent application.


Busy, try again later (User busy)

The called party is unable to accept another call because the user busy condition was encountered. May be generated by the called user or by the network. If the busy condition was determined by the user, the user equipment shows as compatible with the call.


No far end response (No user responding)

A called party does not respond to a call establishment message within the time allowed (that is, before timer T303 or T310 has expired). The response can be either an alerting or connect indication.


No answer (No answer from user, user alerted)

The called user has provided an alerting indication, but not a connect indication, within the time allowed (that is, before timer T301 has expired).


Subscriber absent

A mobile station has logged off, radio contact is not obtained with a mobile station, or a personal telecommunications user is temporarily not addressable at any user-network interface.


Call rejected

The equipment sending this cause does not wish to accept this call. However, it could have accepted the call because the equipment is neither busy nor incompatible. May also be generated by the network when a call was cleared due to a supplementary service constraint.


Number changed

The called party number indicated by the calling party is no longer assigned. The new called party number may optionally be included in the diagnostic field. If a network does not support this cause, Cause 1 is used.


Exchange routing error

The destination indicated by the user cannot be reached. An intermediate exchange released the call due to reaching a limit in executing the hop counter procedure.


Non-selected user clearing

The user has not been awarded the incoming call.


Destination out of order

The destination indicated by the user cannot be reached because the interface to the destination is not functioning correctly. A signal message was unable to be delivered to the remote party. For example, there could be a physical layer or data link layer failure at the remote party, or the user equipment might be offline.


Incorrect number (invalid number format, address incomplete)/Special intercept announcement

The called party cannot be reached because the called party number is not in a valid format or is not complete.


The user should be returned a Special Intercept Announcement.


Facility rejected/Special Intercept announcement: undefined code

A facility requested cannot be provided by the network.


A user in a special business group (such as Centrex) dialed an undefined code.


Result of a STATus ENQuiry/Special intercept announcement: number unassigned

Included in the Status Message when the reason for sending the Status Message was previous receipt of a Status Enquiry message.


A user from outside a basic business group has violated an access restriction feature.


Network disconnect (Normal, unspecified)/Special intercept announcement: Call blocked because of group restrictions

Used to report a normal event only when no other cause in the normal class applies.


A user from outside a basic business group (such as Centrex) violated an access restriction feature


No circuit available (circuit or channel congestion)

There is no appropriate circuit or network channel available to handle the call.


Net out of order

The network is not functioning correctly and this is likely to last a relatively long period of time. In other words, immediately reattempting the call is not likely to succeed.


Permanent frame mode connection out-of-service

A permanently established frame mode connection is out-of-service (such as due to equipment or section failure).


Net problem, redial (Temporary Failure)

The network is not functioning correctly and this is likely temporary. In other words, the user could try again almost immediately. May also indicate a data link layer malfunction locally or at the remote network interface or that a call was cleared due to protocol error(s) at the remote network interface.


Net busy, redial (Switching Equipment Congestion)

The switching equipment is experiencing a period of high traffic.


Access/user information discarded

The network was unable to deliver user information to the remote users as requested. Examples are user-to-user information, low-level compatibility or sub-address, and so on.


No channel available (Requested circuit or channel not available)

The circuit or network channel indicated by the requesting entity cannot be provided by the other side of the interface.


Precedence call blocked

There are no predictable circuits or the called user is busy with a call of equal or higher preventable level.


Resource unavailable/New Destination

Reports a resource unavailable event only when no other cause in the resource unavailable class applies.


The original destination is unavailable and to invoke redirection to a new destination.


QOS unacceptable

The Quality of Service is unacceptable.


Requested facility not subscribed

The user cannot use this feature because they have not subscribed to it.


Bearer capability incompatible with service request

A user request for action was rejected. The action was incompatible with the capability of the call.


Outgoing calls barred

Because of call screening provided by the network, the calling user is not permitted to make a call.


Service operation violated

The user has violated the service operation.


Incoming calls barred

The user will not accept the call delivered in the SETUP message.


Bearer capability (Data/voice) not authorized

The user has requested a bearer capability which is implemented by the equipment but the user is not authorized to use it. This is a common problem when the carrier provisions the line incorrectly when it's installed.


Bearer capability not presently available

The user has requested a bearer capability which is implemented by the equipment but that was not available at the time.


Inconsistency in outgoing information element

There's an inconsistency between the designated outgoing access information and the subscriber class.


Service or option not available, unspecified

Reports a service or option is not available if no other cause in this class applies.


Bearer Capability not implemented (Incompatible bearcap)

The equipment does not support the requested bearer capability.


Channel type not implemented

The called party has reached a network channel type that's not supported.


Requested facility not implemented

The network (or node) does not support the requested bearer capability and it could not be accessed at that time.


Restricted only

The calling party requested an unrestricted bearer service but the sending equipment only supports the restricted version.


Service or option not implemented, unspecified

Reports a service or option not implemented event if no other cause in this class applies.


Invalid call reference value

The sending equipment received a message that references a call not currently in use on the user-network interface. This value only applies if the call reference value is 1 or 2 octets long and is not the global call reference.


Identified channel does not exist

The sending equipment received a request to use a network channel that is not active on the interface for a call.


No call identity

A suspended call exists, but this call’s identity does not.


Call identity in use

A call identity is in use.


No call suspended

No call is suspended.


Requested call identity cleared

The call having the requested called entity has cleared.


Incompatible destination

The sending equipment received a request to establish a call which has low layer compatibility, high layer compatibility or other compatibility attributes which cannot be accommodated. Examples include data rate or DN subaddress. This call can also be returned by a switch to a CPE when trying to route a call to an incompatible facility or one without data rate.


Non-existent CUG

The specified CUG does not exist.


Invalid transit network selection

An invalid transit network selection was requested.


Invalid message, unspecified

The sending entity received an invalid message and no other cause in this class applies.


Mandatory Info missing

The sending equipment received a message that's missing a required information element. The message cannot be processed.


Message type non-existent or not implemented

The sending equipment received a message with an unrecognized message type. Either the message is not defined, or it is defined and not implemented by the sending equipment.


Message not compatible

The message received is not compatible with the call state, or the message type is non-existent or not implemented.


Info non-existent or not implemented, call processed

This cause is sent when the equipment sending this cause has received a message which includes the information elements not recognized because the information element identifier is not define or it is defined but not implemented by the equipment sending the cause. However, the information element is not required for the equipment sending the cause to process the message.


Invalid information element contents

The sending equipment received an information element that it has implemented. However, one or more fields of the information element are coded in a way that has not been implemented by the sending equipment. Examples include truncated, invalid extension bit, invalid field values, and so on.


Message not compatible with call state/Protocol error threshold

The sending equipment received a message that is not an allowed message at that time.


The sending switch cleared the call. The number of protocol errors during the call exceeded the allowable threshold.


Timeout disconnect (Recovery on timer expiration)

An error-handling procedure was initiated because a timer expired.


Protocol Error, unspecified

Protocol error event used only when no other cause in this class applies. Can be returned if you failed to dial a required “9” or “8” for an outside line. Also can be returned if you have some types of restrictions, such as to the number of calls.


SW56 disconnect (Internetworking, unspecified)

An interworking call (usually a call to SW56 service) has ended. May also be seen for other non-specific errors.



The calling party hung up. For example, the agent may hang up an outbound call or the contact may hang up while a managed transfer is dialing.


Contact take over action in Studio.

Enables a contact take on the priority of an original contact in a callback state.


Enables a contact to take the original contact's place in queue and release the original, showing it was replaced by another incoming call. This new call will have a different ContactID than the original call.







The PLACECALLStudio action was intended to pre-link to call that doesn't exist.



The contact, but not the call, ended by managed transfer (MANAGED XFER).



The call was blind transferred out of the platform.



The CXone ACD PLACECALL throttle is backed up.



The tenant did not have enough voice portsClosed Where information transfers, over a network, between a computer and a server. to place the call



The phone carrier did not provide an ACCEPT message before the CXone ACD timed out.









The agent disconnected the call by hanging up.